I look around the club, seeing if I can make out a familiar dark haired figure.
I want to talk to Rose and I haven't seen her for the two week. I've been coming here every night, hoping that I'll bump into her here, but she's nowhere to be seen. I guess she's avoiding me.
I chew my lip, thinking what to do. She did show me where she lived last week. Luckily for her, I didn't end up on her doorstep every day. I consider going to her apartment.
A blonde haired girl comes over and bites her lip, looking up at me with big blue eyes.
I raise my eyebrows. "What the fuck you want?" I ask rudely, but she doesn't react.
She smiles. "You," she says simply. Her hand starts trailing down my body.
If Rose hadn't come back into my life, I think I would've gone off with this girl. When her hand almost reaches the bulge in my pants, I grab it and push it away. "Well, I don't want you," I tell her.
"Come on," the girl says, pouting. "Let's just go to the bathroom." She leans up and whispers in my ear. "I'll make it worth your while." She looks back at me and licks her lips.
"Bitch, take your thirsty ass somewhere else," I say, a little too harshly. I hate it when girls try so hard. Maybe that's why I like Rose - because she's not so desperate like these hoes.
The girl steps back. "Okay," she says, shrugging. "Just know that I'll be here all night, if you change your mind."
I hardly doubt it, I think to myself.
I look around the club one last time and leave.
Later on, I'm outside Rose's apartment. My hand hovers outside the door before I knock.
She comes to the door the second time. Her hair is wet from the shower and she's only wearing a long t-shirt that shows off her legs. It reminds me of the last time that we were together. That day she walked out on me.
I bite my lip as my eyes trail down her body. I look back up at her to see that she's looking at me, confused.
"What are you doing here, Abel?" she wants to know.
"I need to talk to you," I tell her.
Rose looks into the apartment and then back at me. "Now's not a good time," she replies.
"It's a great time, baby," I say and she looks at me, frustrated.
Rose rolls her eyes. "You have to go, Abel!" she hisses. "Please, just go!" She rubs her temples and my eyes fall on that stupid ring around her finger.
I'm about to say something, but I'm interrupted. "Who's at the door, baby?" I hear a male voice call out. A dark skinned guy comes into view, wearing only just a towel around his waist. Ugh. Did they shower together? Did they have sex in the shower? I hope not. He kisses Rose's cheek and wraps his arms around her and she holds his hands. I try my best not to scowl.
Rose looks at me, chewing her lip. I wonder what she's thinking? "Um, Jordan, this is Abel," she says. "Abel, Jordan." Jordan nods at me and turns to look at Rose, as if asking who I am. "He's . . ." She trails off.
"I'm her ex," I say, smiling. I was going to say 'a friend', but why the fuck should I lie? As soon as I say that, he pulls Rose closer and I smirk. Does he feel that threatened? Then again, who wouldn't be? "I just came by to see how she's doing," I say and the little shit just squints at me.
"I'm fine," Rose answers, annoyed. She turns to Jordan. "The night you left for Seattle, I went out with Zoe and Sasha and drunk a little ok much. I bumped into Abel and he took care of me." She misses out the bit about how we went out for coffee.
Jordan nods and shoots me a fake smile. "Thanks for that," he says.
"Well, I did it for Rose," I say, smiling at her and she glares back at me. "I'm always here for you if you ever get drunk and need a lift home. Just call me."
"She won't need to be doing that any time soon," the ass says.
"Jordan," Rose warns.
"And why's that?" I ask angrily. Who the fuck does he think he is?
Jordan smirks. "Because she's pregnant."
Pregnant?! My body goes numb. Engaged and pregnant. I look at Rose, who can't seem to look me in the eye. How long has she known for?
Jordan kisses Rose's cheek and tells her he'll be in the bedroom, shooting me a smirk as he leaves.
I ball up my fists and clench my jaw. I can feel the anger boiling up and I start to breathe heavily. "What the fuck?" I say angrily. "How long have you known?"
"I just found out last week," Rose answers and frowns. "Why the fuck are you so mad, Abel?"
"Why do you think?" I growl. I lean forward, looking at her lips. I attack her lips hungrily, but she pushes me away, hard.
Rose wipes her mouth and looks at me, disgusted. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" she snaps. "I'm engaged to someone and I'm pregnant with his child!"
The anger inside of builds up all over again. I walk away from her and punch the wall out of frustration, anger and jealousy.
When I reach the lift, I turn my head to the side but don't look at her. "Congratulations," I say in a sarcastic tone. "I hope you're very happy with your life." I don't bother to look at her when I get in the lift, but I hear the door slam shut.
I need to get drunk. Now.
Half an hour later, I return to the club and look around until I find the blondie. Fuck getting drunk.
When the girl notices me, her face breaks into a smile and she walks over to me. "So you changed your mind, huh?" she whispers in my ear.
I don't bother to answer her. I just grab her hand and lead her away from the crowd to the bathroom.

beauty behind the madness | the weeknd
FanfictionRose becomes infafuated with her new teacher, Abel.