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After Maya and Chai made up thanks to the help of Riley, Farkle, Zay, and Smackle they decided it was time to set their plan in motion.

They all agreed that they wouldn't tell Lucas because lately something has been off about Lucas. Maya, Riley, Zay, and Smackle think that Lucas is going through something but doesn't feel like telling them but Farkle for some reason thinks that's not why.

"Okay, so we all know the plan. Farkle, Zay, Smackle you keep Charles busy while Riley and Chai go inside Charles classroom and tape the recorder under his desk." Maya explained the plan and they all nodded.

"Sorry Peaches that you can't come with us but you know that Charles will try to provoke you and it will get you into more trouble." Riley said and Maya nodded in agreement.

"It's okay, Honey. At least I'll be able to spend time with Scott today since I haven't had much time." Maya replied and kissed Riley for good luck and said bye to everyone else as she existed the apartment and headed to the Matthews house.

Farkle went and grabbed the recorder from Zay room and as he was walking back to the living room he thought that he heard Lucas in his room say Charlie but Farkle must've imagined it since Lucas said he'll be busy studying in the library.

After they gotten everything they needed they headed to Pennbrook and split ways. Zay, Farkle, and Smackle headed to the common rooms while Riley and Chai headed to Charles classroom.

Riley and Chai arrived to Charles classroom. Chai looked at the widow door to check if the room was completely empty.

"The coast is clear." Chai said and opened the door which wasn't locked like most classroom doors.

Both girls entered the room and closed the door. Riley pulled the recorder from her pocket and went under the table and used tape from Charles desk and taped the recorder under the desk.

"Their its taped. So when we finally get him to admit again in front of us that he's homophobic he'll be caught on tape." Riley said with smile.

"C'mon I'll text Farkle to let him know that we're done..." Riley stopped when she noticed Chai going through his desk drawers.

"Chai! What are you doing?! He's going to notice that someone went through his drawers!" Riley whispered yelled.

"Trust me, Riley. He isn't going to know because the drawers was already a mess besides we might be able to find more proof if we search through his entire desk drawers." Chai explained and Riley hesitated but agreed.

As the two girls were searching Riley opened one drawer and caught Lucas name on an envelope which confused Riley since Lucas doesn't have Charles as a professor. Chai noticed that Riley pulled out a envelope.

"Does that have any proof of Charles being homophobic?" Chai asked. "No but it has Lucas name but Charles isn't even his English professor so why does he have this?" Riley asked confused.

"I don't know but this looks like this is a letter. Do you think that Lucas had a letter assignment and decided that he wanted Charles to check over it before he turned it in?" Chai asked but Riley shrugged her shoulders.

"Let me see the envelope." Chai asked and Riley handed Chai the envelope and Riley was shocked to see Chai opening the envelope.

"Chai! What are you doing? You can't open it he's going to notice it was open!" Riley explained quickly with a worried tone.

"Look aren't you curious why he has a letter from Lucas in his desk and why Lucas didn't bother to mention it to us when he found out about Charles being homophobic." Chai asked and Riley nodded in agreement.

"Okay so let's open it shall we." Chai said and pulled out the letter just as she was about to read it Riley received a text from Farkle that said.

"Chai! Farkle just texted that Charles is heading this way! We need to put that letter back NOW!" Riley said urgently and Chai obeyed. Chai put the letter back where it belonged and closed all the drawers just as they were about to exist the classroom they saw Charles heading this way.

"Quick! Hide under the desk!" Chai said and they quickly hid under the desk which was uncomfortable for them since they could barely fit.

They then heard the door open and close they heard footsteps approaching this way and Riley and Chai knew they were about to get caught when they heard the door open once again and were shocked to hear who's voice it was.

"Hello Charles..."

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