Part One: Tragedy at My Fingertips (Authors Note)~

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Author's Note:

Hiya, it's me Kiran, and I am so glad that you decided to read my book! This is my first book ever and I am very happy to have all of you "eager to read" wattpaders (that's officially a word) decide to read my book. There is nothing that makes me more happy than your submitted reviews and delightful comments that you leave for me. (I will probably read them when I am sitting on the couch watching anime.)

If you want to collab with me or just chat, feel free to message me in a personal dm. I love to talk to fellow wattpaders/supporters like all of you reading my book! (I also love ice cream.) Well anyways, that's enough chat. (Time to cut to the actual book part.) If you are still reading this and didn't decide to skip, comment, "I am a ice cream loving neko!"

PartOne:Tragedy at My Fingertips

"Happiness....she wants out and she wants to be here. She wishes only for the light to shine upon her beauty but sadly, that wish may not come true. Happiness is a thing which can only be contained by those who deeply seek it and wish for her presents and by those who truly reach out to her power. But again, there are people in this world, people like me who wish and wish but no matter how hard they try, and no matter how desperate they are, she doesn't seem to call out to them the same way she responds to the purest of souls. Now I have one last question for you before you go, and I want you to think hard about it. "Has happiness accepted you? Or are you one of those who are desperate and seek her? Do you even wish for her at all? Thank you, that is all."

Everyone clapped and looked at each other in a strange way. I even saw some kids whisper at each other while giving me a side eye, it's pretty obvious that they're all talking trash about me. The only thing was, I didn't know why. Everytime I see my classmates do some cool things, or even do the same things I do like do the dance to the opening of Lucky Star, they all laugh at me. I only try my best to fit in but I always get a face full laughs, and not the good kind. I come to think that maybe this is happiness telling me she's not going to reach out to me, maybe she just threw my wish away and gave it to another person just to use her laughter in my face.

"Well Kiran. I can tell you that presentation met all the criteria and that you left the class and me especially, in shock. Now, could you tell me again what your topic was?"

"Huh, my topic? Um, it was Happiness."

"I can certainly tell you that the class and I were expecting something totally different when you spoke of that title. You gave us all a different perspective of something and left us with a thought in our heads. Great job, now who's next?"

I nodded at Mr.Kakashi after he told me that I did a great job. But something felt odd, I had a feeling in my stomach and it didn't feel right at all. I began to feel sick and I looked around and it was as if the wall were starting to cave in on me. Everyone started to stare, a kid even threw a ball of paper at me and asked if I was alright. Mr.Kakashi told him to knock it off and then called my name. It was strange, I could hear him calling my name but, it sounded kind of muffled, as if the room has just filled up with water. Besides the water making things sound all muffled, and the walls looking like they were caving in, I also felt as if I was falling. I decided to take a deep breath and try to relax myself, I thought that maybe I was just feeling a bit weird because I just finished presenting. Then I realized that I couldn't breath. The deep breath I took could not be exhaled, and I felt as if 1,000 eyes were staring at me. Mr.Kakashi's voice got louder and louder, as if he was now yelling into a microphone. But then all of a sudden, everything went black for a second. I was on the ground and I could see Mr.Kakashi looking at me in a panic when I opened my eyes, he was asking me a bunch of questions but I couldn't hear anything. I then saw the nurse run in, she seemed in a panic as well but she was talking into the phone. I wonder who she was talking to? I thought.

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All of a sudden I could hear a voice, "Kiran, can you hear me?" It said. I then responded with a yes, it was weird because it wasn't the nurse or Mr.Kakashi talking. I heard the nurse say into the phone that I was responding but I that I wasn't breathing, I then heard a voice through the phone, "This is dispatch, we are sending the paramedics to the scene right now, just stay on the phone and remain calm until they get here." I then thought to myself, "why is this happening? Is this my last day I live?" It Then it all went black.... I felt like I was still alive, but I still had that sick feeling in my stomach. I had no other choice but to just lay there and sit while staring at what looked like and eternal black. This could have been the last breath I took, I'm....slowly fading.

"Kiran...Kiran! Can you hear me?"

"Ma'am, please have a seat in the waiting room, Kiran is not ready to be seen. He's fine, we just need to check up on a few things before we officially let visitors in. Please, just a few more minuets."

"That's what you said a few hours ago and he still looks the same! Do you even have any idea what's wrong?"

"I am not so sure, if anything I thought maybe a possible partial seizure. But again, I have a few more things to test before I come to my conclusions. So please, I ask that you calmly and quietly walk back to the waiting room. He's fine, I just want to find out what's wrong so we can confirm that it's safe to send him home."

"Alright, but please hurry. I am very nervous and he's been unconscious for a few hours now, I want to hear it from him that he's okay."

"I understand ma'am, you have every right to worry. It is in every parent's nature to worry about their child in any injury circumstance."

"Thank you doctor, I will let you continue now. Please take good care of my son.

"Of course. Now please don't worry, we will take good care of your son. I promise that once I get any idea of what happened to him after performing the test, I will let you know as soon as possible."

"That sounds good. Again, thank you."

I finally woke up, and to the freezing air conditioning of the hospital. I looked down at my right wrist and I had something called an IV, I knew what it was since my mom got sick and had to come to the hospital once. She said that it gives people some sort of medication to help you get better. Thinking about her was making me worried, I couldn't really remember anything that happened except for not feeling good and the nurse talking to what I think was the emergency dispatch on the phone. "Mom, where are you? I want to go home, I'm scared!" I screamed. The doctor rushed in to see me awake and my eyes starting to fill up with tears, he could tell that I was scared and confused. I then felt the doctor touch my shoulder and then rub my back, he told me not to worry and that I would be okay. A nurse then came into the room and said that there were some staff members in the waiting room basically holding my mom down at this point, she could hear me yell for her and got worried. "I want my mom, I want to see her now! Please...."

My mother then rushed into the room to see me crying at this point, she came next to the bed and gave me a hug and began comfort me. She could tell from the look on my face that I needed her and that I was scared. She stroked my hair and asked me if I was okay, I told her that I didn't know what happened and that I wanted to go home. After hearing that she looked at the doctor and then back at me, she nodded. "I know sweet heart. Soon we'll go home, you've had a long and confusing day. How about this, if the doctor says it's okay for you to go home tonight, we can go out for ice cream after this. C'mon, I know you want to." I nodded and then wiped my eyes and then put a small smile on my face. My mom smiled back at me then lightly kissed my forehead. Her comfort was all I needed.... The doctor was explaining to us that he thinks that it was a partial brain seizure, he also told my mother that it was safe for me to return home. The nurse gently removed the IV and then used a gauze pad and some medical tape to cover up where she had the IV removed. I then grabbed my backpack and everything else, the doctor gave me a small wave and a smile as a farewell. "Take care Kiran. If you feel like this, let your mom know and then contact me immediately. But other then that, have a nice day."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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Yaaassss! It was freaking awesome bestie! I'm so gonna make a suga thing for you too soon k!

7y ago

It's pretty interesting

7y ago

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