Day 5., Saturday (Oct. 22.)

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Next morning, they got up exceptionally early to catch one of the first RER C trains for the over an hour ride to Versailles. They arrived at the Versailles Château Rive Gauche station just at the right time to be fairly ahead in the queue to the Palace of Versailles that was only a short walk from the train station. The Palace opened at 9 AM and they were let inside at once, since they had pre-booked their tickets online.

"This is just amazing! Can you believe it was originally built by Luis XIII in the 17th century? Then enlarged by Luis XIV in the 18th century. This is history itself!" – Q was wide-eyed as he tried to take everything in. He was looking intently at the beautiful ceiling so Tanner had to guide him through the crowd so that he wouldn't walk into anyone without even realizing it. – "It even used to be the seat of the Government until 1789 and the Royal Court!"

As they were walking through the several rooms called State Apartments, Q exclaimed.

"Even Marie-Antoinette used to reside here! Can you believe it? And this is the Hall of Mirrors!"

"Why am I not surprised that you know everything about the Palace even though you've never been here?"

The boy just shrugged.

"I've always been fascinated by Palaces like that. I've read about them a lot. Oh, these paintings! This is the Galerie des Batailles, packed full with art works of geniuses such as Delacroix, Philippe de Champaigne or even Renoir! Incredible!"

"Your general knowledge is what's incredible!" – Laughed Bill and tried to steer the boy a bit to the left so that he wouldn't walk into an elderly lady standing in front of him, reading the signs. She clearly didn't know the whole history by heart.

They then proceeded to walk to Marie-Antoinette's Estate.

"This was her sanctuary. She didn't really like the pomp of the main palace. She liked the rural landscape and the simpler environment."

"I can somehow understand her to tell you the truth. I find the palace beautiful but I surely wouldn't wish to live there." – Agreed Tanner.

"Well, she liked her privacy. Nobody was allowed to come here without her express permission. That's what we thrive for now, isn't it? That's what we have our own homes for. Not that certain people, like my brothers or Bond honor that wish..."

They then walked around in the garden and the park, visiting the Grand Trianon and the Marly Estate.

While walking outside, Tanner produced sandwiches from his backpack and handed one to the boy, looking strict, daring him to contradict. Q just took it without complaint though didn't seem inclined to eat it at all.

Bill decided to leave him for a while and said instead:

"I'm going to have a reunion with my old high school class next month. I'm a bit nervous about it to tell you the truth."

"Why? Didn't you like going to high school?"

Tanner shook his head sadly.

"I was always a bit of an outcast you know."

"You? Why? When I had to go undercover you told me stories that led me to believe that you had a pretty good time..."

"Well, yes, of course, that too. I had friends and went out a lot and everything... It's just that there were a few classmates who couldn't stand me and didn't have restraint with showing their dislike. And it hasn't changed. It's our 30th year since graduation and I don't know if I can take any more of their taunting about how they have a happy family-life with loving spouses and kids while I am divorced."

"30th? Wow! That was a long time ago..."


"No! Sorry, I mean... Ahm..."

"No, it's okay. It was a long time ago, actually. I should be over it by now."

"Not if they still haven't stopped; then you shouldn't. Would you like me to make their life a living hell as revenge?"

"What!? What do you mean?"

"Well, if I were Mycroft, I'd kidnap them and submit them to an interrogation they'd never forget. Or if I resembled Sherlock more I would just deduce them in front of the whole gathering of old classmates until they'd burst out in tears... Everyone has hidden secrets they don't want exposed. As it is, I'm neither of my brothers, so I can't do any of these. But I can make them disappear: simply erase their very existence from any systems of the world: no more working credit cards, no valid driving license, no job, no ID, nothing. Not even a library card or a ticket for bus."

"Ahm... Q, I appreciate your offering but really, I don't think it will be necessary. Don't you think it would be a bit overdramatic to do that just because of some old school-grudge?"

"Why? I wouldn't even actually kill them. Of course they'd probably starve to death in just a few days but that wouldn't be my problem. It's not like I would physically even touch them. An improvement to what our agents do, don't you think?"

"Well... I certainly hope I'll never anger you..." – Bill looked like he was about to start panicking so Q hurried to assure him.

"Don't worry, I've never done it to anyone I personally know."

"But you have done it to people you don't know?" – Q pretended to be very interested in a fountain to avoid having to answer the question. He hadn't wished to make Bill uncomfortable, really. – "Son?"

Ignoring the inquiry seemed hopeless, so Q gave it up as such.

"To my defense: they weren't very good people." – He shrugged.


"It was a long time ago!" – He defended himself. – "I know I don't have to do it anymore. I can just have them executed by a Double-O if the need arises..."

As it turned out, this wasn't exactly the best excuse to give, if Tanner's scandalized expression was anything to go by.

"Somehow I have a feeling you and your brothers would just have to join forces to be able to take over the world."

"Oh, don't worry; it's not likely to happen: we'd kill each other within the first few days. We always operate best if we maintain a respectable distance from each other. Besides: who would govern the world after we take it over? Mycroft doesn't like to deal with anyone who's not at least the level of a Government official; Sherlock couldn't even take care of a guinea pig and I'm nearly as hopeless with people as they are."

"I don't know, you don't have any problems leading Q-Branch or the agents."

"That's because my branch consists of a small number of carefully handpicked, equally antisocial nerds, and the agents are dangerous, feared assassins. It's the normal people I have trouble with..."

"Oh, dear. It's going to be very interesting with you as M one day..."

"What are you talking about? I'm not about to become M!"

"Of course you are. Not now, mind you. Mallory will stay for a long time to come. But after him who else could follow?"

"Certainly anyone would be better than me! Maybe you?"

"Don't be ridiculous, boy! So, eat your sandwich, mister!" – And the conversation about future Ms was closed with that.

Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q

They returned home late in the evening, having waited for the Fountain's Night Show to end in the Garden. Despite freezing they'd had a great time.

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