( v. ) of youtubers & shock.

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"Holy shit! Are you for real?"

The sudden exclaim flew from Laura's mouth, of which had dropped wide open at the news that Elliot, and unfortunately Jack, had brought.

Elliot slowly nodded from the place on the sofa she was seated on, Oscar's head on her lap as she scratched behind his ears, not entirely sure of what her own body was doing in that moment of time. To be completely honest with herself, she was still in shock, having not yet recovered from what she and Jack had found out about half an hour prior.

"Yep," the word came from the area of the kitchen, where Jack was raiding for food, the noise slightly muddled as he dug his head further into the fridge. "We even watched videos to prove it," came next, slightly more clearer than the last, then a sudden shout of 'a-ha!' was heard, and the boy himself came strolling from the kitchen, a market special sandwich in his hands. "I gotta admit, the lad she snogged is pretty fit."

"His name is Vik," Elliot broke herself from her thoughts, head turning to send a warning look in her friend's direction. "His name is Vik, and you need to keep it in your bloody pants."

Jack simply laughed, taking a large bite of the sandwich as he thrown himself on the sofa beside her, reaching for the remote and turning the channel to the episode of Jeremy Kyle. Laura and Elliot shared a look over his head, each of them rolling their eyes at his usual behaviour.

"So, how did you even find it out?" Laura was asking as she moved closer to Elliot, perching herself on the arm of the sofa beside the girl, hand reaching to play with the curls upon her head as Elliot took a deep breath, nerves dancing in her stomach.

"Well," she began, puffing her cheeks out as she thought back to when she had first met Vik, a whole bunch of butterflies swarming as she remembered him, his voice, his touch, his lips, every little detail she could have picked up on. "Remember when he first came up to me, in the park and everything?" At Laura's snort and nod, Elliot blushed and continued, mind going into overdrive of thoughts about him. "I noticed he was wearing a shirt that had Sidemen printed on it, and then when I ran into him and his mates again at the train station, they had similar clothes on to what Vik had on."

Biting at her lip, Elliot continued. "I figured they were all just big fans of some band, but then I started actually thinking about it, and I don't know the name just sounded familiar. So I asked Jack this morning, and he had no idea, so we kinda just googled it, and well; we found it."

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