I've been so depressed I haven't left the house in six days and haven't eaten in nineteen hours. I sat up to the sound of footsteps with a beep to follow up coming from outside my door. My heart was practically beating out of my chest. Nothing has happened in over a week so just a plain beep could make me really jump but then there was the footsteps behind it. After a few minutes of waiting I lightly walked to my closed door and placed my hand gently on the door knob and slowly open it. I look out onto the hallway and make sure nobody was here. There was no sign of life. I look down and right at the tip of my toes was Katie's' spare phone. I pick it up and turn it on. It was a message from Dad! All this time I thought he was asleep like everyone! I quickly open the text and read it: GET THE FUCK OVER HER NOW YOU BITCH! I AM AT TWENTY SIX AVENUE ROAD! BY THE WAY YOUR DUMBASS DAD IS BLEEDING OUT! COME HERE YOU PUSSY BITCH!
He sent a photo of my dad lying on the ground in a pool of blood. I scream and smash the phone on the ground. Why does everyone I love die? First Katie is taken away from me with no warning then my dad is pretty much dead. Why me? Why can't I just live normally? Everything was fine until he decided he wanted to ruin my boring ass life. I sprinted faster than Usain Bolt out of the house. Tears running down my face. I ran as fast as I could to the Avenue road, I might be able to get there in time. After about six minutes of running I finally found Adenue road. I turned the corner hard, swinger on the poll so I don't run onto the road like a dumbass. I read all the mailbox numbers until I run across twenty six. I kick the gate open and run up the stair I run right through the door, I open every door until I reached the third door from my right of the hallway. The second I open it I felt something cold push up against my head but I could see my dad lying in the fetal passion in a puddle of blood. His face deathly white and next to him was a man with medium skin tone tied up in a wooden chair with a tea towel covering his mouth. He looked rather calm for someone who's tied up. "Where the fuck is Katie?" A male voice asked.
"She was taken," I said
"OF fucking course she was taken,"
"What do you mean?" He lowered his gun and sat down on the sofa and I soon recognized him. It was Katie's ex-boyfriend from year eight, Shawn. He didn't look too much different, he still had messy dark brown hair but he did get rid of his glassers and you could actually see his light blue eyes now. They really stood out with his dark hair. "Well, that perve kidnapped my friend Cheyanne and took that ass over there's niece," The tied up man rolled his eyes.
"Why'd you text Katie?" I asked wanting to hurry this up so I could get to Dad.
"To kill her," He glared at me and smiled one ear to the other. I was in complete utter shock. I couldn't move or speak. "Why would anyone want to kill someone as nice as her" I through out loud. "Because that bitch left me for Leo, and now since the world isn't going back it's okay to kill people," He smiled.
"She left you because you where to obsessive. YOU TRIED TO HAVE SEX WITH HER! YOU GUYS WHERE ONLY THIRTEEN!" I yelled.
"I FUCKING LOVED HER! I LOVED HER MORE THAN ANYTHING! Heh, but I guess if I kill you Katie dies more horrible more than you" His smile faded, he looked at his gun then at me. "No. Think about this properly Shawn," "I already have," Shawn said standing up and aiming the gun at me. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the tied up man tackled him. His gun fell out of his hand and next to me. I quickly grabbed it and without thinking shot him in the head. Blood dribbled down his forehead. I drop the gun and run to Dad. The tied up man said "Sorry but he's already dead," I knew it. I wasted so much time that he died. The man put his hand on my shoulder. "I'll bury him for you," He said. "What happened?" I asked out of curiosity. "Well, after Jamie showed up to tell me took Sana, I an to Andrew because I knew that he loved you two and I didn't want him to lose his daughters but just after I tried everything to wake him up a smoke bomb came out of nowhere and I woke up in my bedroom with Andrew sleeping next to me. He soon woke up confused and we spent I think a couple of days trying to understand what happen when we stumbled across that kid, when we first saw him he was lying on the ground in the mall like everyone else there, so he didn't stand out. Just as we were leaving we saw him stand up and shot Andrew in the stomach then hit me in the face with a baseball and knocked me out," He said
"Wait you were bombed too?" I asked
"Where too?"
"Yeah after I tried to jump onto the helicopter, I then woke up in my room,"
"I'm Nina Philip by the way," I said putting my hand out to shake"Oh! Uh I'm Thomas Smith, I don't think you know me" Thomas said giggling "I work with your dad and we go hunting sometimes but I don't think I have ever met you in person. I've only seen photos on facebook," He smiled. "Oh, my dad talked about you alot" I smiled back looking at my dads' dead body, soon realizing he was dead. I look back at Thomas who was looking at Dad. "Let's bury him now," Thomas said. I nodded...
//:97 people left:\\
((Song about chapter))

Nina Philip
AdventureSome sick pshyo got his hands on a disease that can turn people into zombies! This person, Jamie decided to let 100 people live and kidnap the people they can't live without just for his entertainment. Nina is determined to find her sister and get r...