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What comes after this chapter is one called Being Human is Another read that after you read this then continue as normal, thank u! ... -Sam
Percy's POV
"Ok, so this is the building. She said to come alone so you guys have to be my back up, waiting outside. I don't know what she wants in return but we may have to fight." I explain over a Google map.
"Shouldn't one of us at least come inside with you?" Piper asked.
"No, she said to come alone or she'll kill Annabeth. You guys didn't see her, she was half dead already." The images of her lying on the bloody sheet with a man on top her flashed through my brain and made my heart thump against my chest.
"This is the plan. Leo is the getaway driver and everyone needs to have swords ready." I explain.
"Everyone knows their job?" Jason steps forward. They all nod and we make our way to the van.
At first, we couldn't find where Kelly told us to meet her. All the brick buildings looked the same and the neighborhood was so bad and dirty there was no way we could find it.
Finally, we got out of the van and as soon as the numbers started going up we decided to walk the rest. We finally find the place, I decide we should try to get Annabeth out first, she Kelly's leverage and Kelly won't be able to one up us. She can't fight in her condition anyway. I walk around the alley to try and find a window. There was one on the far left on the top floor. I start to climb other window sills, very aware I could fall to death and get squashed like a pancake. I look in every window (not to be pervertish) and found nothing except for a drug trade and a very unhappy married couple who could use some therapy. There was one window at the very top, almost like an attic, if she's not in there, I don't know where to look. I peek inside the white, silk curtains into a dark-ish room. Everything seemed normal about it until I looked closely at the vanity, it had blood splattered all over it. I try to scan the whole room to make sure nobody was in it. I lift the screen in hopes the window wasn't locked. I yanked on the glass window and it popped open. I sat myself onto the window sill and quietly opened it. Head first, I saw the whole room, the vanity dripped with blood and the white wall with splattered hand prints, the sky light opened up a cloudy atmosphere and the most horrific scene. Annabeth, lying down on her stomach, naked, her head not facing me on the white sheeted king sized bed. The sheets now splattered with her blood, dirt, and sweat from others. I try to climb in quietly, only managing to fall on my face with a big thump!

I glance back up at the bed, Annabeth's head didn't even turn. I heard her heavy breaths, she was sleeping. I move to the other side of the bed, the wood floor creaking under my sneakers. I bend down to look at her bruised, bloody sleeping face. I cress her cheek, her eyes shot open and she jumped. She tried to pick up her head, but she seemed to have a lot of trouble. She started to scoot away to the other side of the bed. She whimpered in protest and in fear, real fear.

"Annabeth, shh, shh... It's me Percy. Can you stand?" I ask, my hand on Riptide.

She took a few deep breathes and groaned trying to lift her head, "They sedated me, I can't... move. I can hardly move my arm." She demonstrated by trying to move her arm up the bed, but failed.

"Ok, ok. Do you know why Kelly took you?" I ask, but deep down I knew the answer.

"She wanted your head on a silver platter. Percy, she wants you to trade your life for mine." She closed her eyes and she opened them again... this time with tears, "Percy... I don't want to die. I know I said I did but I don't, really." She cried.

"I know, I know, I will fight, but we need to try and get you out of here." I lean forward and try to pick her up in a cradle. I heard foot steps down the hall and a man yelling at another. I lie her back down on the bed and hurriedly decide where to go. I thought about leaving through the window, too slow. There weren't many hiding places in a big empty room with no closets or doors or even furniture to hide behind. I dived under the bed, and I heard the door open and close. Big boots appeared on the side of the bed.

"C'mon, bitch. Turn over, I have needs." A deep southern accented voice rung through my ears like nails on a chalkboard. I steadied my breaths so there was no chance he could hear me. I heard his belt unbuckled and I saw his pants drop around his boots. The bed shook and lowered on me as he climbed in. I close my eyes and my face felt hot, I put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't cry.

"No, no." I heard her breathe.

He got up and off the bed to the vanity. He opened the lowest drawer and tooked out a hard, small, black case. He climbed back into the bed, I heard a small whimper some from Annabeth and the case fell to the floor. The bed shook and lowered even more to the point I had to put my face to the ground.

"Stop! Squirming, you little fucker!" He yelled.

She started to scream and I heard panting. The bed kept shaking vigorously, I heard her cry and scream for hours, like someone was stabbing me in my ear drum. The sun started to set and I was in my own pool of sweat.

"I need some pleasure down there, bitch." I heard him flip over and the sheets move around and tug at the bed.

He started to pant like a dog and kept saying, "That's the spot, bitch, F-fuck yes." And he would laugh.

Until he didn't, ten minutes passed and I heard his scream like church bells ringing through my skull, instead of Annabeth's. It was blood curdling, painful scream. From under the bed, I saw Annabeth fly from it and hit the floor like a rag doll. She lay motionless, the man got off the bed and started to beat her. He kicked her gut and stomped on her back. I saw the tears roll down her cheeks of agonizing pain. It was hard for me to watch, let alone live through it like her. I saw blood drip from him, another man rushed into the room.

"John, what's going on?!" Yelled a familiar voice.

"The little son of a bitch bit my dick!" He screamed.

"Let's stop the bleeding. You can't beat her like that, Kelly wants her alive." He stated and they both ran out the room. John leaving a trail of blood behind.

Annabeth looked at me straight in the eyes, a plead for help, and cried while curling herself into a ball. When I saw it was safe, I scooted out from under the bed and towered over her. I bend down before her and try to touch her arm, in which she whined and tried to scoot away,

If she won't let me touch her, and she can't stand, then how will we get her out?

"I'm sorry, Wise-girl." I turn around and make sure she doesn't see my tears, and I run for the window.

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