Chapter 2

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Lisa's Notes


Disclaimer: I don't own The Loud House, I think I own this story.

"Stupid-stupid-stupid." Lynn chanted, banging her head against the wall, "Trying to flirt with Lincoln like that! That was stupid!"

"Sounds like it." Lynn jumped at Luna's voice. She hadn't heard the guitar tuning over her constant bashing. "These walls are really thin, y'know."

"S-sorry." Lynn paled, "How much-"

"Did I hear?" Luna grinned, "Enough." She walked in and closed the door behind her. "So you've got the hots for Lincoln, too?"

"What?!" Lynn scoffed, "No! I'd never – wait. Too?"

"I confess I've been eyeing him for a while." Luna's mood turned somber, "He's probably the best guy I've ever met."

"Yeah." Lynn nodded, "I've met dozens of guys in sports, but none of them are quite well, as cool as him."

"I know, right?" Luna laughed, "This family is plagued with good looks, man. I've shot so many guys down because they're just not as rockin' as Lincoln." She played a few chords, strangely subdued without an amp.

"It's not like I haven't tried looking for other guys." Lynn explained, "I mean, I have. They all just suck, though."

"Guys do suck." Luna said, plucking a string, "Not Lincoln, though. He's cool."

"And strong." Lynn added.

"Loyal." Luna noted.

"And funny." A third voice added.

"Yeah, he is pretty-" Luna chuckled, before turning to face the newcomer. Face paling, she broke a string.

"I say he makes me laugh out loud, ha-ha!" Luan giggled, "Get it?"

"How... how long have you been listening?" Lynn asked.

"About ten minutes now."

"What?" Luna gaped, "I walked in, not five minutes ago!"

"Yes, but I was watching Lynn hitting the wall." Luan laughed, "Head-banging, right Luna?"

"How?!" both girls asked.

"With my cameras." Luan put her hands up, defensively, "I heard you guys talking about Lincoln, and well, I thought I'd join in."

"Don't tell me..." Luna trailed off.

"That I love Lincoln too?" Luan grinned, "He's the only guy I know who truly appreciates my comedy! Plus, he's not bad on the eyes, either." She winked.

"True." Lynn giggled.

"Dude, what's wrong with us?" Luna strummed on her guitar, "We're sick in the heads."

"Out of our gourds is more like it." Luan laughed, pitifully, "I've been dealing with this crush for almost a year. I thought I was the only one."

"It just happened for me." Lynn rubbed her temples, "At least, consciously."

"I've been groovin' to this crush for a few months, man." Luna looked sick with herself, "Not like anything could come of it." A moment of silence passed.

"Hey Lynn?" Luan spoke up, "You mentioned you were flirting with Lincoln.

Did he, um... seem interested?"

"Why don't you check the tape?"

"I have so many tapes, it'd take me forever to find it." Luan giggled, "I'm sure there's a joke there..."

"He didn't flirt back, but he did check out my legs." Lynn grinned.

"No way!" Luna gasped as Luan whistled in surprise. An angry riff.

"Don't be jealous." Luan nudged her roommate, "I've caught him staring at each of us."

"Really?" Luna asked, nicking her finger on the forgotten, broken chord.

"Well it's great that we're all cool with the fact we're in love with our brother, but this raises a new problem." Lynn said. Her sisters raised eyebrows in curiosity. "What are we going to do about it? He can't love all three of us."

"Why not?" Luna asked, searching for a spare string, "I'm cool with sharing him."

"Are you serious?!" Lynn seemed aghast, "That's just-"

"Disgusting?" Luan smirked, "Everything about this is, but look on the plus side! We'd be keeping it in the family! Get it?" The other sisters groaned.

"Well I don't want to share him." Lynn said, "I'm in it to win it."

"Not like any of us can marry him." Luna restrung her guitar, "What's wrong with sharing him, anyway? We all love him."

"Which brings up the question of who else loves him." Luan tsked.

"Yeah, if the three of us feel this way, surely others do to." Lynn frowned at the prospect of more competition.

"I think we can safely rule Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily out." Luna shrugged, "Lori, too, since she's getting married."

"I doubt Leni's interested in him." Luan added, "She's gone, anyway."

"That leaves Lucy." Lynn gasped, "They've been hanging out a lot lately."

"Lucy's ten." Luna pointed out, "What could she possibly know about love?"

"I hope you're right." Lynn eyed Lucy's bed, doubtfully.

"What we should really focus on is how to keep something like this secret from mom and dad." Luan said, "I doubt they'd support us."

"Yeah, I hadn't really put much thought into that." Lynn confessed, "I was more set on just jumping his bones." Luna and Luan stared at their sister in surprise. Not that they hadn't been thinking something similar, but to actually voice it...

"More like jumping his bone-" Luan began.

"Anyway," Luna interrupted, "How are we going to start?"

The three girls sat silently, thinking up strategies. Finally, Lynn grinned wolfishly. She didn't want to share Lincoln, not really, but with her secret out she knew she'd have to or face blackmail. Trying to make the best of it, she leaned in conspiratorially. "I think I've got a plan." She began whispering, watching the blushes creep across her older sisters' faces alongside their smiles.

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