Chapter 1: What You're Missing

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Cameron's POV:

Calculus is boring. I'm literally just sitting here and staring at the window.

I like this window. I can escape this prison cell of a classroom and daydream. But today doesn't help. It's raining, it's a Monday, and I'm in calculus. The only good thing coming out of this is that Summer Break starts once we're let out on Friday. Another Summer Break full of fun and parties and Summer.

I look across the room and I can see Summer. Summer Green. Everyone sees her as a shy, quiet, girl who plays by the rules. I see an adventurous girl who is ready to take on any opportunity to show who she is and embraces it. I've known Summer since grade four and trust me when I say it's been a journey of a lifetime.

I'm sitting alone at a bench near the school playground reading To Kill A Mockingbird.

Suddenly, this kid taller than me, snatches my book from me and waives it in the air where I can't reach it. I try jumping up, but I'm horribly failing.

"Awe. Is poor Cami too short?" Tall says with a laugh. Unexpectedly, a small powerful voice rings out.

"Hey!" We both turn to face the direction from where the voice is coming, and see this girl with reddish-brown hair up in pigtails. She marches over to us, a furious expression spread across her face. Once she reaches us, she turns to face Tall and tries to appear as tall as possible. "Is that yours?" She asks as Tall smirks.

"No, but," he's cut off when she punches him in the face and he drops to the floor. If I wasn't scared before, I am now.

She grabs the book from his loosened grip and hands it to me. My fear fading a bit.

"Here." She said when I wouldn't grab it. I stand in shock still not taking my book. She rolls her eyes, and takes my hand. Forcing, she places the book into my hands as I still am standing shocked. "Nice book by the way." She says looking at the cover. I finally come out of my shocked state and look down at the cover. I look back up at her.

She's looking at me. This stare I thought could never be broken. That is until she sticks her hand out.

"I'm Summer. Summer Green." She's smiling. She has her two front teeth missing.

I reach out and grab her hand shaking it.

"Cameron. Cameron Brooks."

I continue to watch her every movement as she is constantly looking up and taking notes. Then my smile fades. How could such a strong, confident nine-year old become a 16 year-old introvert?

Summer tells me practically everything, and I tell her everything. It hurts me to see her in pain when I can't help.

The bell rings bringing me back to reality.

Yes. End of today.

I hurriedly grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder seeing Summer is already out.

How did she get out so quick?

I rush out of my Calculus prison cell and into the hallway. I look left. Nothing. Right? Nothing.

Where did she go?

I take another step forward, trying to think of where she went. Then it hits me. It literally hits me. A pair of hands have found there way on my eyes making everything black. I soft giggle sounds behind me.

Found her.

I pry her hands off and turn to face her. I smile. She has a few strands of her red hair loose and she pushes them behind her ear. She's smiling softly. My smile fades a bit.

If only,

I'm cut off of my thoughts when her name rings out. I know the voice to well and when we turn in that direction, it's owner comes running to us.

Aidan Woodwork. The luckiest guy in the world. He's this rich kid who gets practically whatever he wants. He's the starting quarterback of our school and the biggest player. I tried to warn Summer, but she insisted he would change. Now he has the only thing I've ever wanted.

"Hey babe." He says pulling Summer into an embrace. He lifts her chin up and plants a kiss on her lips. I'm ready to explode, but sadly, I have to keep myself calm. He turns to me and smiles. "Hey Cami." He says rubbing my hair. Oh. Did I forget to mention that this is the jerk who stole my book in grade four and received a bruised eye from Summer? My bad.

I flatten my hair back to the way it was, still trying to keep my calm.

"Hey, Cam," I immediately stop and listen to her angelic voice. I look down and she's smiling. "We're planning to go to the park. Wanna come?" I look at her with her big smile, but then I see Aidan. Holding her in an embrace I'll never have. I look back at her. My smile fades a bit.

"I'm sorry Mer, but I just have a lot to catch up on. Besides, I'm going to visit Mom today." She immediately beams and I already know what she's going to ask.

"Can I come?!" Summer adores my mother as much as I do and any opportunity she can get to see her, she snatches it up.

"But what about you and Aidan?" I hated saying that, but it seemed necessary. She looks at Aidan. They have a conversation without using words.

"It's fine. We can reschedule." I see his arm fall from her. I look at him, then her, then him, then her again.

"You sure?" I still hate saying that. She's still smiling.

"We're sure." She turns to plant a kiss on Aidan's cheek before saying goodbye.

That hurt.

She's soon grabbing my hand as Aidan walks away.

"Ready?" I ask. She faces me smiling.


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