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Kellan wasted no time. Leaving Derrik to rest, he went in search of Father Johannes. Even without his brother's request, spiritual guidance was high on Kellan's agenda.

Since his arrival the holy man had become a trusted friend and confident, providing guidance in all areas important to growing young men, as well as providing assistance to keep the Krone intact. With his understanding of spiritual gifts, the priest had suggested the younger prince might use his gift to help Derrik recover from his wife's death. It was Father Johannes who might guide Kellan through his difficult questions.

Finding the Father was simple. If Father Johannes was not tending his garden, he was in his book-lined study. The former was where Kellan found him.

"Greetings, Father."

The head of thinning gray hair glanced up to peer over wire spectacles. Delight swept over his face as he leapt from the desk to clasp Kellan in his arms, exclaiming, "Prinz Kellan! You have returned. Thank the Lord!"

Concern quickly replaced delight as the priest leaned back to peer into the lean face before him. Normally towering several inches over Father Johannes, the man before him felt hollow and weak. Nothing like the strong, robust young man who sought a blessing for his mission just a few weeks prior.

"You do not look well, Your Highness. What has happened?" Directing the prince to a seat, Father Johannes offered a silent prayer for the young man. It would be a travesty to lose both princes.

Kellan waved away the priest's worry and took the seat offered. "I am well enough, Father. It has been an eventful trip."

Still concerned, Father Johannes accepted Kellan's explanation and perched on the edge of his desk to face the prince. "Did you find the healer?"

"Yes, Father. She is not what we anticipated." Kellan was overwhelmed by all of the challenges he had been dealt.

Father Johannes sensed Kellan's fatigue and distress. He had never seen the young prince in this state. "Tell me from the beginning."

The priest listened without interruption to Kellan's tale. The damage inflicted on the village and the girl gave every appearance that Lucien did not want the healer to arrive in time to help Derrik. He had known of the animosity between Kellan and Lucien since his arrival but never suspected Lucien would deliberately attempt to kill a member of the royal family.

Despite the length of Kellan's story, Father Johannes sensed the young man was holding back. Other than describing the girl's skills to heal an injured dog, Kellan offered little other information to explain the weakness that could not be hidden.

Father Johannes also suspected the injury was more than the scratch that the prince made it out to be. Having seen men wounded in battle, the priest could see that Kellan carried his chest and shoulders in a posture that suggested a near fatal injury. It was as if the younger man was folded around the entry wound.

"Kellan, my son, what are you not telling me?" The gentle but firm prompt gave no room for the young man to be evasive.

Kellan was not surprised. As with Derrik, he had never been able to conceal information from the Father, yet putting words to his turmoil was daunting. His sole purpose revolved around bringing a healer to Derrik, not getting killed or falling in love or losing his brother in spite of every effort. He did not know which complication was the greater concern but Kellan knew he would gladly die for his brother or Ariane.

"I do not know, Father. I am...lost." Kellan felt torn in so many directions and his malaise was no help. He was unaccustomed to the indecision and disorganized thoughts which plagued him now.

Healer: Spiritual Gifts #1Where stories live. Discover now