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{Frank's POV}

I woke up, my head throbbing, in a dark room. I tried to move, but something was holding me back. Instinctively, I started screaming for help. The lights turned on, burning my eyes. Once my vision adjusted, I looked around, but didn't see anyone. "Hello? I-I need help!" I called, struggling against the restraints once again. I looked around the room. It was a pretty small room, with stone walls and a matching floor. My wrists and ankles were bound with thick, leather straps to a chair. "Please! Help me!" I called again.
      Somebody laughed, but I couldn't see them. Then, he stepped into the room. I stared at him, a wave of emotions flowing through me-confusion, shock, anger, hatred, fear. "Hello, Frank. I'm so glad to see you." He said, smiling viciously. "L-Let me g-go." I ordered, my voice shaky. "Oh, I don't think so. I think I want to have a little fun first. What do you say, Frankie? Let's have some fun!" He pulled a knife out from his back pocket and, smiling, brought it towards me. I screamed through clenched teeth as the knife cut through my arms, blood pouring down them. Next, he moved on to my face. My breathing grew a little heavier, blood stinging my eyes as it trickled down from the new cut across my head.
"I have business to attend to. We will continue our little game later." He said, chuckling to himself as e left the room, slamming a metal door behind him. I heard it lock. I sank back in my chair, and began wondering what would happen to me. Would I ever get out of here? Would I ever see Gerard again? Tears fell down my face, mixing with the blood.

{Bob's POV}

       I walked into my house, expecting to see Frank sitting on the couch. "Mom? Frank?" I called. "I'm in the kitchen, honey!" My mom called. I went into the kitchen. "Hey, where's Frank?" I wondered. "I just assumed he was in your room, sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up. If you see him in there, tell him it's almost dinner time. I made vegetarian chili." She said. "Ok." I said, running to my room. When I opened the door, I realized that the room was empty. "Ugh, Frankie...Where are you?" I asked to myself, starting to get worried. Frankie wouldn't leave like this, without letting someone know. He..."He would leave a note!" I said, quickly glancing around. That's when I noticed the folded piece of paper on my desk with my name on it, written neatly in Frank's handwriting. I quickly scanned through the note, and was shocked. "Mom!" I yelled, running into the kitchen.
       "Honey, what's wrong?!" Mom asked. "Um, Ray and Mikey need help with something. Frank is over there now. I'll be back soon." I said, running out the door before she could say a word. I got in my car and sped over to Ray's house, knocking roughly on the door. Ray answered, a bit confused. "Bob, what's wrong? Here, come inside. " he said, ushering me into the house and closing the door. "Are your parents here?" I asked. "No, they went out. What's wrong?" I took the note out of my pocket and handed it to him. "Frank left this on my desk. I think he may be in serious trouble, Ray." I explained. Ray read the note, his eyes wide. "We have to go get him back. I can call Mikey for help, but we can't tell Gerard. This could really mess him up." He said. "He'll be messed up even more if we don't tell him. He won't trust any of us!" I argued.
        Ray sighed, shaking his head. "You're right. I'll call Mikey, and have him and Gee meet us here." He said, pulling his phone out. He went out into the kitchen to make the call, leaving me in the living room, alone in the silence, just me and my thoughts.

{Mikey's POV}

I was sitting in the living room, watching a movie with mom and Gerard, when my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket, and the screen said it was Ray. "I'll be back." I said, getting up to go to the kitchen. "He's gotta talk to his new boyfriend!" Gerard laughed, winking at me. I frowned, rolling my eyes before going into the kitchen and answering the phone. "Hey, Ray, what's up?" I asked. "Are you and Gee busy?" "Um, were watching a movie with our mom. Why, is everything okay?" I wondered, growing concerned. "Listen, don't tell Gee about this until the two of you are alone. Bob is here. He said Frank left a note for him at his house. Long story short, he's in big trouble. We need to go get him. Get over here ASAP." Ray said. "Ok. We'll be right there." I said, hanging up.
       "Hey, uh, Ray needs our help with something. Come on, Gee. Mom, we'll be back." I said, pulling my sneakers and jacket on. Gee got up, looking at me curiously, and ran to his room, running back in moments later with his Misfits hoodie and sneakers on. He grabbed his car keys off the hook and followed me out to his car. "What's wrong with Ray?" Gee asked, climbing into the car with me. "Drive, and I'll tell you, but you have to promise me you'll stay calm." I said. "Sure. What's wrong?" He asked again, pulling out of the driveway and down the street. "Okay, Bob went home and found a note from Frank on his desk. He thinks Frank may be in serious trouble. That's all I know for now. Ray said Bob would explain more when we got there." I explained. "Trouble?! What kind of trouble?!" Gee asked. "I don't know, Gee, but you need to relax. Focus on driving. We're almost there." I reminded him.
      Minutes later, we pulled into Ray's driveway. Gee raced inside, with me following quickly behind him. "Hey, guys." Ray said. He and Bob were seated on the couch in the living room, worried expressions on their faces. "What happened to Frankie?" Gerard asked, a little calmer than before. Bob held up a piece of paper. "Frankie left me this." He said, handing it to Gerard. Gerard read it over. "The Gas station on Keller. I know where that is. Come on. We have to go after him." Gee said. "Read over the note again Gee." Bob said, staring at the floor. I took the piece of paper from Gerard and read it out loud. "Bob, I got a message from him earlier. He has Gerard. I have to go after him. He wants me to meet him at the Old Gas station on Keller. If I don't come back, you know where we are. I'm sorry. I'll bring Gee back safe, I promise. Frank." I read.
Gee stopped. "I-I didn't...I only skimmed it. He-He went...He went to rescue me?" He asked. Bob nodded. "Why would he be so stupid?!" Gee shouted. "Gee, relax. You know you would do the same for him. We'll get him back. Come on." Bob said. "I'm driving." Gee said. We all agreed and followed Gee out to his car. Gee drove fiercely, and we reached the gas station in minutes. "He probably had him go in through the back." Ray whispered. We all nodded, and moved around the gas station to the back door. A chain and padlock was around the handle.
Ray gave it a shake. "It's really rusty and weak." He said, wiping the rust from his hand. "Bob, in the back seat f my car, I have a mallet (like the kind you use for camping). Grab it." Gee said. Bob went to the car and came back with our camping mallet. Gerard took it in his hands and beat the chains with it until they broke. I caught them before they clattered to the ground. We all looked at each other. "Well, let's go." Ray said. Slowly, the four of us went inside.

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