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(A/N: attached above is a photo of my adorable little Funko Severus. That's my baby.)
Lena's POV
I was in an alley, dark as night.
I looked around in confusion.
"Hello?" I called out.
"Lena..." I heard a voice say.
It was female, I knew that for sure.
I could see a shadow approaching me, and watched as it slowly transformed into a person.
I couldn't see much, but I could see long black hair & eyes that looked like mine.
Before I could figure out who it was, I was pulled out.
I could hear voices, three of them:
"When will she wake up?!! It's been hours!!"
"Professor Snape, get ahold of yourself!"
"Easy, Severus. Poppy knows what she's doing."

I fell back under.
My eyes slowly opened, and I blinked to adjust my vision. I glanced at my surroundings, and saw that I was in the hospital wing.
I looked to my right.
There was Professor Snape, sitting in one of the chairs, uncomfortably asleep.
I pinched my arm weakly, to insure I wasn't hallucinating.
When he started to stir, and his eyes slowly opened, I knew then that I wasn't crazy.
As soon as Snape realized I was awake, he stood up abruptly, clearing his throat, and adjusting his robes.
I still felt rather weak, but I managed to raise an eyebrow at him. Before I could voice the thoughts in my head, I saw Professor Dumbledore approaching my hospital bed.
"Miss Blackwood, it's great to see you awake."
I nodded. "It sure beats the alternative."
Dumbledore chuckled.
There was a moment of silence before Dumbledore spoke again. "Miss Blackwood, would you--" he began, but I shook my head vigorously, interrupting him.
"I would prefer not to speak about it. All I care about is that you found him, and gave him what he deserved." I stated.
Dumbledore and Snape exchanged a look, and I rose both eyebrows, as if to say, 'Get on with it.'
"Mr. Buchanan was detained. However, there is nothing we can do." Dumbledore spoke, slight annoyance lacing his tone. Snape had a look of frustration written on his face.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "What the hell does that mean?!!"
Dumbledore sighed.  "Mr. Buchanan's father has high status at the Ministry. He was able to get the Minister to drop all charges against the Hogwarts' student, and continue with his studies here at school. Trust me, Miss Blackwood, we did all we could do. We will watch him very intently, and watch over you as well. We'll make sure that what happened to you, won't ever happen again."
I pursed my lips, nodding sarcastically. "Sounds peachy keen." I muttered.
My anger was probably radiating off of me in waves. I could feel it.
The water glass on the bedside table shattered into pieces.
I took a deep breath.
"Keep calm, and control your emotions, Miss Blackwood." Dumbledore said calmly.
Snape was looking at me in slight bewilderment, but I ignored him.
I took another breath, before I nodded.
"I'm fine."
Boy, was that the furthest thing from the truth.
Later that day/Into the night
I spent another couple hours in the hospital wing, just so Madam Pomfrey could look me over one final time.
I walked into the Slytherin common room, and was instantly crushed in a hug.
"Lena, bloody hell!! I'm so sorry!"
I pulled back, looking up at Alex.
"Sorry for what?"
Alex gave me a sad look. "I brought you down to the party. If I would've known--"
I held up a hand, smiling a little. "It's not your fault."
"Who's the guy? I guarantee I could take him down."
I laughed, hugging Alex again. "Don't worry about it. He'll get what's coming to him."
I tossed and turned.
Every time I tried closing my eyes, I saw him.
I wanted to scream.
I threw back my covers, and padded on to the floor of my dorm. I threw my robe on over my pajamas, throwing on my black slippers as well.
I left my wand on the bedside table, and walked down to the common room.
I peeked my head out into the corridor. making sure no one was coming.
I stepped out, and started to walk. My fists clenched as I did, and I stopped in my tracks. I took some breaths, trying to slow down my heart rate.
No matter how much I tried, I couldn't control my emotions. I was angry. Upset. Violated. Anxious.
I raised my arm up, and formed a half rock, half water, ball in my hands. I thrust my hand out, and it slammed against the wall, letting off an echo.
A mess.
A reflection.
I kept repeating the motion, tears welling up in my eyes.
I let out a cry of frustration, collapsing against the wall, covering my eyes as I tried not to cry.
Against my will, I felt a trail of a tear slide down my cheek.
I heard footsteps approaching, but I didn't look up.
"Miss Blackwood?"

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