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Chapter 10- Reality

Avery's POV

It's weird how one minute your life is semi-perfect and the next minute its completely fucked up. How can someone's life be completely changed because of another life? Is this my punishment from God for all my crappy decisions I made that's brought me to my situation today? Maybe if I didn't purposely kick a soccer ball at Judy Holmes' head breaking her nose in the fourth grade all because she sat beside the guy I had a crush on, I wouldn't be in this situation. Or maybe it was because I switched Treah's hair dye with bleach in middle school. It may even have something to do with me playing ding dong ditch with my friends late at night knowing that it was wrong to disturb people while they were sleeping. Sure all them things were bad, but we all know why I'm in this situation.

Sex before marriage.
Drunk sex before marriage. Unprotected drunk sex before marriage.

Contemplating on my life and all the bad things I've done seems to be hogging my thoughts at the moment. Here I stood in front of half the student body exposing my self to their judging eyes. At this moment time stood still. I couldn't hear all the gasps and whispers or the snarky loud comments. I couldn't see the pointing and wide eye stares. No, right now I was in my own bubble away from the nasty gossip and hate I was about to receive. It didn't matter that it only lasted around fifteen seconds, but that fifteen seconds were of pure bliss.

"Avery are you okay?"

Blinking my eyes rapidly, I come back to reality. I look over at Nevaeh who is looking at me worriedly.

"Yeah of course! Let's go sit down."

I wasn't hungry, even though I hadn't put a drop of food or water in my mouth all day. I knew it wasn't healthy to do that, but I also knew that if I was to eat or drink something it would come right back up. Nevaeh and I sat at our usual table, but instead of the other girls joining us like they always do, they simply walked past us and sat with Natalie and the rest of the wanna be barbies.

"Them bitches!" Nevaeh curses glaring at their table.

I roll my eyes and merely tell her that if they were her true friends they wouldn't have stopped talking to her because she is friends with me. There's one thing I love about her is no matter how embarrassing or bad the situation is, she stands by me. She's like my sister. I wouldn't want to go a day without her by my side.

"Damn Avery after all this time I've been trying to get in your pants and you let some dude go before me. My feelings are hurt."

I turn around to see Tyler Mcllwain standing behind me holding his hand up to his heart in fake pain. I roll my eyes and laugh. The situation I'm in isn't funny, but he was right. He had been trying to sleep with me since ninth grade and I had always turned him down.

"I'm sorry would you like me to take my virginity back because I would be more than happy to."

Tyler was sweet. A massive man whore, but sweet. He's very attractive but man whore isn't my type. Or maybe it was and that's how I ended up the way I am.

"Damn was the dude that bad? If so I gotta know who he is so I can give him a few pointers."

He laughed taking a seat across from me. Did nobody really know who I was pregnant by? I told three people that gossiped like crazy and you're telling me that they haven't told anyone who my baby belonged to?

"Nah I think I can live without some sex pointers from you." And just like that my good mood that Tyler put me in was gone.

I just can't explain my mood swings when he's around. I'm pissed because I'm only going through this because of him, but then sometimes when he's around I want to literally pounce him and rip his clothes off. Right now I was in the pissed off mood.

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