I have been tagged by Autumn_is_an_Angel and I'm going to try and do this with the best of my abilities. Also the snow storm hit us and it's going down pretty hard. Anyway I have to say the rules I think but I'm gonna say them anyway.
1. You must follow all of the rules
2. You must answer all 13 questions and make 13 more for the people who are tagged
3. You must tag 13 people or as many as you can
4. You can't say 'I don't do tags'
5. Be creative with the title
(I just copied off the rules from the page I am mentioned on Autumn so should they follow them if so then I'm just gonna go with it)
So these are the questions that I have to answer yay
1. Do you know what a Wenis is?
Yes, isn't it like the bottom part of you elbow or something like that?
2. How tall are you?
Well I think I'm like 4'11 or 5 ft tall I have no idea how tall I am.
3. What is your favorite book series?
Oh dear, I have many favorite book series so I'm just gonna say two of them which are the Warrior's series and the Harry Potter series( I've read every book of Harry Potter and watched every movie hehe I'm weird).
4. What book should be a movie, that isn't one already?
Hmm you know that book series called The Magic Tree House I believe. The books were awesome when I was a kid and wanted it to be a movie. (idk if it is or not I'm just going on with I haven't seen yet) Also the Warriors series should get a movie to which I think it is idk.
5. Do you know about our Lord and Savior Markiplier?
Yes I do, I pray to him ever night and to wake up ever morning with a pink mustache on my face ( hehe I'm weird).
6. What's you're favorite all time quote?
Hmm well can it be a anime quote. If so then this one speaks to me very well. " You give you your future. Loose your dream, are stained with despair... yet at the same time, you shake off your past fight reality and never loose your nobility." - Sebastian Michaelis form Black Butler.
7. If you could meet anyone, fictional or real, who would it be?
Well I actually want to meet all of my followers from wattpad and get to know the people that I have been supporting me throughout my time here (I already did meet someone off of wattpad *cough cough* Superkate-Studios *cough cough*).
8. On a daily basis, how many hours do you spend on this site?
Well I try to get as much time on this site as I can when I am free to do stuff basically.
9. When was the last time you drank a glass of chocolate milk?
Well I think you guys are gonna hate me now but I don't like chocolate that much so I have never had a glass of chocolate milk.
10. Favorite candy
What I have to choose one candy. I can't do that I like all the candy I eat so I can't answer this . UGGGGGH!
11. Kiss, Marry, Kill: Sebastian Stan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Daniel Radcliffe?
Hmm well I would marry Daniel Radcliffe, kiss well Benedict Cumberbatch , so that means I would kill Daniel Radcliffe ( I am sooo sorry but I hear of him that much I am sooo sorry).
12. What country would you want to live in, apart from the one you live in now?
Well I have two but I'm just gonna say them anyway. So they are Japan and London for my top two places to live in.
13. What is you're favorite word?
Uhh well I can't even think of a word that is my favorite so I am sorry but can't answer this one.
OK now I am gonna give you my questions
1. What do think is the worst anime couple in anime?
2. What is your favorite song to listen to when yours bored?
3. Name a musical that you have listened to (Not including Hamilton)
4. Do you ship Septiplier?
5. If you were able to me one person irl who would it be?
6. Kiss,Marry,Kill: Sebastian Michaelis, Haruka Nanase, Tamaki Suoh?
7. Do you like My little pony, if so then who is your favorite character?
8. If you had to choose one person to spend your whole life with who will it be?
9. What would you do if you saw your senpai in public?
10. If you were to speak a language, what language would you speak
11. If you had a superpower what would it be?
12. Would you say that some people tell to many puns?
13. What is the most annoying song or addicting song to listen to?
ok now its time for tagging 13 people yay!
Well good luck!!!

Spirit's Art Work
RandomAmazing and awesome drawings awaits in this book hope u enjoy them