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Of course, there was more to what I've chosen to describe and tell you but there are just not enough words in this perpetual universe.

The last hour was a quite a blur with suitcases being flung in every named direction and every perfectly fractured shell having to be perfectly placed along the Caribbean yellow wall.

Me, Jay and Scout tried to escape the whole situation as much as possible by running down to the soft-touch sands and just lying down and staring up at the fresh azure skies with Big Jay and Lucy. The prospect of having to say goodbye to them was undeniably sad but hopefully we will see them next year and years after that.

The hours we thought we had left, slowly turned into grains of sand running out in an hour glass until it was empty. Everyone said goodbye and Lucy gave me something to remember her, a postcard quoting "I love you Awena, love Lucy!" I still have it right beside by bed.

I was going to miss these stunning sunsets we had been spoilt with, every single night with the iridescent hues, dappling over the coruscating sea. I was going to miss everything. We'd come back soon. We have to.

Once all our bags were packed in the boot of the car, we set off, blasted up an old Now That's What I Call CD of 2000 and drove home. 2 hours later, we found ourselves saying goodbye. As I followed the suitcases inside, I thought to myself "I know I'll always remember that, even when I'm losing my memories, I'll know these moments." Forgive me. This wasn't goodbye. Goodbye means forever, when you know you won't see them again.

I already know that Goodbye is the name of the chapter that I will write in a few years. Goodbye is what we'll say at the end of year 11 or year 13. Goodbye is the end. Why do we make friends when it's not going to be forever. Why?

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