Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I felt as I lectured Katherine, she actually listened. When a human being gives you their full attention you should take it, take them. But it’s too dangerous sometimes, and the society in which we live in would not accept that. But isn’t that what is wrong with all of us? The fact that we think we are superior to another?

December eighth 1795, London England.

The year of our lord

Diary of William Blake.

William had come back late from Lester’s mansion. He had entered the angriest she had seen him, hair a mess and face in a frown. He had then began to strip and rubbed himself in freezing cold water before he had begun to talk to her.

She had answered his questions about her day, and asked some of her own. He was quiet until she had begun to cough deeply again and he had demanded bed rest. He had marched her upstairs and stayed with her throughout the night.

He had made sure she was comfortable, able to sleep and had several cups of tea. He hadn’t seemed into his work during the night. William’s blue eyes had been focusing on the window across her bed, which had a perfect view of the new weather which was settling. Snow.

It drifted gently, almost afraid to touch the ground and join the rest of the coat on the floor, they were so close to making a winter wonderland but strayed until they dropped to the ground. Katherine had also been watching the snow, it was a good way to avoid eye contact without becoming bored.

Then she would look around her room. It seemed a brighter place when William was in it. Although he was sour his smile could not hide his tolerance towards her. He smiled at her constantly throughout the day even though he had lectured her through half of it. Afterwards, return to the window again.

It may have also been because he had opened her curtains and allowed the sunlight to stream in. It filled the room with free light and it bathed her skin when William’s face cloth was not on it. "You know if you sleep naked on the floor you are bound to get sick." He lectured.

"Yes Master Blake." Katherine croaked, rubbing her throat and yawned.

Master Blake wrung out the towel and dabbed it across her forehead, working fervently to get her temperature back to normal. Katherine looked across at her 'owner' and marveled what an unusual man he was. He had been sitting beside her for the whole day and had spent it all complaining how foolish she was. He hadn't hit her though, or slapped her. In fact the only physical contact was a caring amount and he touched her body with towels and others rather than his own hands.

She hadn’t spoken unless bid too. His cold words stung her as he stated how she could have caught a chill and wouldn’t be able to work. He had given her many cups of tea, to warm her body and he had also demanded she not rise from her bed.

"And because the roads are closed the doctor is not even able to come and see you."  He whined, thinking how much harder he would have to work tomorrow to catch up, as he had left his paperwork at the office.

"I'm sorry Master Blake." He huffed at her apology, it wasn’t her fault and it was funny how she got sick in the first place, and apologized for her misfortune. He then opened the window in her tiny room and the curtains allowed her to see the falling snow.

"You will return to work tomorrow." He walked to the door and watched Katherine fluttered her eyes closed and drifted to sleep.

Shutting her door, William went to his kitchen for some food and irritated at only harvested items from his garden, he headed for some air. He was raised in an upper class home, his governess had taught him everything a young gentleman needed to know. Then he had attended Harrow and studied business and law, to please his father.

The Girl With The Sunset Eyes {Historical Interracial Romance/ #1 Blake Series}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ