God sorry this chapter is written badly I'm having writers block :/
I drove slowly out of the neighborhood to make sure I don't get lost. I had rough idea of were the school was, we passed it in the car ride. As I drove though, I had to admired the cool little neighborhood, not believing that I actually live here.
finally, I arrived and parked in the schools lot. I should probably go the the office and sign in. That's what dad told me to do anyways.
I sat in the truck and looked at the small school. It's brick walls seemed out of place amongst the palm trees and sidewalks littered with sand. The beach was probably by here.
After getting out and grabbing my bag I walked down the trail. There were a lot of bike racks lining the sidewalk. Some students were sitting on the grass or walking around. They all looked at me as I walked by.
I guess everyone knows each other here, explains why Samantha and Harry both knew I was new.
I didn't meet anyone's gaze, just kept walking with my head down until they lost interest.
Someone's chest ran into mine and I snapped my head up and glared. It was a boy with dark hair and hazel eyes.
He put his hands on my shoulder and I stiffened. "Are you ok?" He asked in an British accent, trying to hold in laughter. I think I recognized him as one of the guys from Harry's group. Anger pulsed through me.
"I'm fine." I shoved his hands off and tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my hand turning me around and I resisted the urge to kick the smirk off his face.
"I'm Zayn,"
I sighed ripping my hand out of his grip and trying to walk away again.
Yet again he grabbed me, hard by the wrist, I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying out. I balled my hand up and prepared to swing, but a raspy voice interrupted me.
"I wouldn't mate, she's not the friendliest."
After Zayn released me I looked at Harry next to the other British boy, the bruise on Harry's jaw was standing out.
Rolling my eyes I spoke. "Ya, why don't you tell your mate here how you got that bruise."
Harry stiffened and narrowed his eyes.
"He said he fell off his skateboard..." Zayn said.
I laughed. "That's bull." Then walked away inside the school.
. . .
The principal greeted me with kindness so fake I wanted to gag. He told me all about how amazing the school is and how much fun I'm going to have here. Lovely. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him when ever he talked.
After handing me my schedule he walked back to his office waving good bye. I walked past the lady working at the front desk. She was probably around 24-25. The lady stood up and reached over her desk to shake my hand.
"Hi there! I'm Arabella." She smiled sweetly as she took my hand.
"I'm Logan." I let go quickly.
"Well Logan, I hope Principle Wallace didn't scare you to much, he's very proud of this school."
"No, he's fine," I laugh awkwardly. "And I can tell!"
"Well I have to get back to work, have fun here Logan." She smiled.
"Bye." I waved and walked out.
I liked that girl. I laugh to myself and quickly walk to my home room, preparing myself for awkward.
When I opened the door the teacher was speaking, she turned her head to face me and smiled.
"Ahh! Here she is students," she says to the class and motioning me in. I guess she was talking about me earlier.
I stood next to her and the entire class looked at me. Needless to say, I felt extremely self conscious.
"So, introduce yourself to us!"
I looked at her, she was a little on the old side with short brown hair.
"I'm Logan." I say in my most confident voice, even though my cheeks were probably bright red. My eyes landed on Samantha wavering her arms around trying to get my attention, when she saw me looking she motioned to the empty seat beside her. I smiled slightly.
"Hello Logan, I hope you enjoy your time here." She smiled down at me and I returned it quickly, then walked to the seat beside Samantha.
Samantha startled me by giving me a quick hug. "I didn't know you were in my home room!" She whisper yelled.
"Nether did I." I replied laughing quietly.
The teacher who I learned was called Mrs. Dian, was talking about the new chapter they were moving on to in science after home room had ended. I learned it already, but it's probably a good idea to have it retaught to me, since I stopped paying attention in class back in Utah.
The last couple of minutes she said we could talk quietly.
Samantha immediately jumped up, pulling me with her by my arm roughly, making me wince. Does every one have to grab me by there?
"Logan!" She said not noticing. "These are my friends!"
I looked at the people who surrounded us, they all looked preppy and happy like Samantha. Completely unlike Harry's group, and for that I was thankful.
I took my wrist back smiled. "Uh, hey."
"This is Jamie, Lewis, Niall, Lauren, and Mason!" She squealed, pointing to each one as she said their names.
"Hi." The one that she pointed to as Niall said to me in an Irish accent. Why do so many people have have accents!?
He was very attractive anyways, with blonde hair styled up, and blue eyes.
I smiled at him.
The girls in the group hardly noticed me and started gossiping with Samantha about stuff I don't care about.
I stood there awkwardly till the bell rang. When it did I gathered up my things but heard an Irish accent behind me.
"So, what's your next class?" Niall asked me.
I checked my schedule. "Math with Mr. Murray."
"Oh, do you know were it is? I could walk you."
"Sure thanks." I smiled at him and we walked out together.
"So, why'ed you move here?"
I stiffened and hoped he didn't notice. "Uhm, change of scenery? Ya, uh Utah's kinda a drag." I rambled.
He laughed. "Cool."
I looked around the confusing hallways, there were a lot of students around but one caught my eye. Harry was leaning against the lockers looking at us. When he saw me staring back he looked away. I decided to ignore it.
The day dragged on and I met lots of new people, Samantha was in two of my other classes though. Fortunately, Harry was in none.
. . .
As I walked outside after school ended, I spotted a large crowd cheering things I couldn't hear. I walked over, squeezing past bodies, and made it to the beginning of the circle.
I gasped when I saw the fight.
Pls vote and comment<3 ily and happy valentines day!

Bloody Fists: a Harry Styles fan fiction
Fanfiction“Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. BUNCH O CHANGES HAPPENING RN