Chapter 2: What Is Happening To Me

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Chapter 2: What Is Happening To Me

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling strange. I can't describe this feeling it's like I can't breathe properly like what I'm suppose to breathe isn't air, like my legs are melding together. I feel like something is calling me, and trying to make me remember something important. Something from before I came here before I was human. Wait were did that thought come from why wouldn't I be human.

Then I remembered in the attic is the stuff I had brought with me when I first found dad. He had told me I wouldn't even let him look at the stuff I had. For some reason my mind was telling me that those objects are very important for understanding who I am.

Walking up the ladder to the attic I saw a little bag made of seashells and I was glowing. It was pulling me towards it this must be the bag I had brought with me from my life before I moved here. I slowly walked towards it the glow dimming as I came closer. I could here music coming from inside it.

Bending down in front of the bag I opened it. At first it just seemed like I used to have an obsession with mermaids. Because I had a mermaid locket when I opened it music filtered out. It was litterly a locket shaped like a mermaid. I also had a globe that said Aradien on it and had mermaids swimming around a castle with little houses surrounding it.

There was also a photo album, but when I opened it the pictures in there didn't make any sense. Inside was pictures of me when i was younger and who I assumed was my mother. The weird part is that we had tails in the picture. My mother had a bright blue tail and long red hair. The picture of me had my purple and red hair, my

silvery-purple eyes, and a long silver tail with splashes of other colors all mixed in.

It doesn't make any sense I can't be a mermaid neither can mom. It has to be a dream that's it I'm dreaming! Of course I am how could I be a mermaid. I've never sprouted a tail in the bathtub. I'll wake up in the morning and none of this had ever happened.

Next thing I know I blacked out. There's a mermaid who looks like an older version of my picture and a merman with a bright green tail, but I can't see his face.

"Princess," the merman said.

"Yes," I answered.

"I don't know if I'll ever actually find you in real life. We've looked for you forever. Your grandparents are worried and the number of times I see you in a dream are dimming. I can't even see what you look like at all. Please tell me your name princess. Time is running out," the merman said.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"The longer we can't find you the easier it will be for......" but it cut off there and the merman was slowly getting farther and farther away.

"Wait come back. Don't leave me," I screamed out.

Waking up with a jolt I realized that I was still in my bedroom. I knew what happened in the attic wasn't real. Looking at my clock I saw it was 7:00 time to get up. I hurriedly put on my uniform and ran downstairs.

"Morning dad," I said kissing his cheek.

"Goodmorning Ky. I was just about to call you," dad replied pulling me down for a hug.

"Yeah yeah dad. What is it fend for myself day today," I said not seein my breakfast anywhere.

"Sorry Ky, but I have to leave in a minute. I got up later then I was suppose to and I have a major meeting at the Marina today," dad said.

"Ok dad. Bye love you," I said shooing him out the door.

"Bye Ky. Be good."

"Yeah. Yeah dad," I said shutting the door behind him.

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Going back to the kitchen I grabbed a poptart and a glass of orange juice and turned the tv on to the news channel.

"World reknown Marine Biologist Mr. Finn Wavecrest is here with us today to talk about the sightings that have been reported," Alica Keys said.

"Hello Alica it's good to be here. My family and I just moved to EverGreen. Well from what you've told me about these fish sightings they are most likely the Faricana's the species of fish that started the legend of mermaids. From afar a Faricana can be mistaken as a human with a tail which is where the misunderstanding began. The Faricana up close though looks more like an actual fish and usually has seaweed covering it's head giving the illusion of hair from far away.

They are a very shy species though which has resulted in marine biologists never getting close enough to get a clear picture. Because of this many marine biologists do not believe that the Faricana is a real species and some think that they were made up to cover up the truth and that there are real mermaids out there," Mr. Wavecrest explained.

"Have you ever seen a Faricana up close Mr. Wavecrest?" Keys asked.

"I have seen one, but I wasn't close enough to be able to take a picture that wouldn't give the illusion of a mermaid. The Faricana is a very beautiful creature though, and is quite a marvel to see. Wether it be up close or far away."

I would have listened to more, but if I don't leave now I'm going to be late. Today is the tournament between Ocean View High and Sea Skies High. The team from or neighboring town MountinView Being the captain of our teams I couldn't be late.

Since it's the tournament today I decided to ride my motorcycle. I usually don't use it when somethings in walking distance, but I wanted to save some energy today. I prefer to run places though it is much more fun then riding my motorcycle. Although on my motorcycle I got to school in 2 minutes.

"Hey girl. How have you been," Missy said running towards me as I parked. Alec trailing behind her.

"Same old same old. You missed meeting the freshmeet yesterday," I smirked.

"I know Alec told me. Plus what I've heard from the girls so far the 2 boys in that family are fine," she drawled out.

"There ok I've seen better I've seen worse," I replied. I had a reputation of being somewhat of a female player although I never did more then kiss any of the guys.

"Oh really," someone said from behind me.

"Of course," I replied without turning around.

"Aw that hurts Ky," Zack said into my ear.

"Missy this idiot behind me is Zack. Zack that's Missy Alec's girlfriend," I introduced them.

"Well well. You are as hot as the rumors say," Missy drawled out.

"Why thank you Missy, but I don't take another mans woman," he said smirking.

"Sorry I said you were as hot as the rumors said. But no one and I mean no one is hotter then my Alec," she snapped at him.

"Missy. Zach drop it. We have the tournament today," I said.

I started to feel weird again it was like something was calling me to it. I couldn't take it dropping onto the ground input my hands over my ears. Why won't this stop I thought it would stop.

"Akyrie what's wrong. Akyrie," I heard someone shouting.

"Make it stop. I don't understand what it wants," I whispered.

"Make what stop Akyrie?" the voice asked.

Coming back to my senses I shook my head. I hadn't realized it, but I was in Zack's arms headed towards the infirmary.

"Zack let me down," I hissed embarrassed.

"Oh ok," he said. "Now mind telling me what that was about?"

"It was a joke," I lied. I don't want people to think I was crazy.

"Well it wasn't very funny Akyrie. You had Alec and Missy scared to death," he snapped at me. Him being mad at me is better then everyone thinking that I'm crazy.

"Sheesh I was just trying to ease up the tension between you and Missy. If you hadn't acted like a cocky jerk I wouldn't have had to use extreme measures," I snapped right back.

Deciding that the conversation was over I left and headed off to the big field out back. First we had to review the rules and then we'd start the tournament. First off was a scavenge hunt, followed by a tennis match between me and Sea Skies High's captain, then a huge game of manhunt, followed by lunch, a soccer game, and finally a swim off.

"Hey bro," I said seeing my older half brother he's the captain of Sea Skies team.

"Kyrie you've gotten even more beatiful then last time I saw you," Eric replied.

"Yep what happened to you I'm beautiful and your meh," I teased.

"Take that back squirt I'm still older then you," he said. Picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Let me down Eric," I laughed. It still amazes me that even though Eric is shorter then me he can throw me over his shoulder.

"Never Kyrie," he laughed running in circles making me dizzy.

"Come on Eric I'm going to puke," I lied.

"Oh no you don't," he said putting me down.

"Eric did you lose some brain cells again. You fell for it again," I said before running off.

"Eric, Akyrie can you please stop so we could get started," Ms. Evangea asked.

"Sorry," we said together standing beside her and Mr. Venter Sea Skies High's Principal.

"Now that your team captains have stopped fooling around," Mr. Venter said glaring at us. "We can get started.

The rules are simple. You are not to physically harm anybody. You can not just go to a store and buy everything you need for the scavenger hunt. You are not allowed to go anywhere near the ocean or you will be punished."

"Now kids have fun and remember this isn't about winning or losing it's about getting along with people from the other school. Just like your captains. And don't say there suppose to get along their siblings and try to get out of it. Because everyone knows you don't always get along with you family members," finished Ms. Evangea.

"Now the scavenger hunt teams are divided however your teachers told you last Friday. Send one person from each group to get a scavenger list from us," Eric and I said together.

The list was as followed:

A signature of a MB found near tamed animals

Something small that is said to be a way to hear the ocean

A recording of an instrument that can't be seen or touched

A picture of a tamed fe---e

A box that can sing

The golden object of a legend

Something that you've heard of, but is not real

This is found on a tree, but is part of the sea

A picture answering what walks on 4 feet then 2 then 3


AN if you can think of what they need for the scavenger hunt please answer the riddles and what sort of things they need to find. Have fun

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