Okay, so I had a funny thought about bandaids today.
See, I shaved for the first time in over a month today. Call me gross. I don't care. But, I figured I should because I have a Valentine's date tonight. I know, weird.
Anyway, while shaving, I managed to nick my ankle pretty dang good. You know, it's that spot on the back of your ankle that always gets cut somehow? I thought, oh no big deal, just a small cut. Then, it started bleeding like crazy.
So, when I got out of the shower, I naturally got a bandaid for my cut.
As I put it on though, I realized that the bandaid did absolutely nothing for the slight stinging I felt. It was useless at taking away the pain.
But, it did an excellent job of covering it so that the blood wouldn't stain my clothes. It's able to hide my stupid injury while it heals.
That's what I thought was cool.
Bandaids might not do much, but they cover up wounds so that they can heal in peace.
They don't have magical powers that speed up the process.
They simply protect against more damage to the cut and let it scab over and fade away into a distant memory.
I don't know about you, but I think that's super cool.
The two things a kid is usually concerned about when they get a bruise or scrape or anything small is a kiss from a parent and a bandaid.
And parents typically want to put bandaids on their childrens' cuts.
They know the bandaids will allow the bump or cut to heal. They won't heal it themselves. They simply allow for it to heal.
That's pretty dang cool if you ask me.
PoetryMy mind never stops. And, I finally decided to quit trying to make it rest. Basically these are just little ramblings, poems, thoughts, and stories that will all be collected here in one place. This is basically an archive of short ramblings from hi...