Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry that it has been so long. I am trying to work on it. I have just been stuck in this rut with writing but I am hoping that I would come back. We will see! Thank you for reading!

The next morning dawned bright and early. My eyes refusing to open up as the sunlight began to filter between the slats of the blinds. I groaned and pulled my blanket over my head, trying to get myself back to sleep. I sighed as my alarm continued its insistent ringing and my hand pushed it way out from under the blanket and slammed down on the off button. I threw the blankets from my body and pushed myself up. I knew I must have looked a sight, my hair all mussed from sleeping and probably sticking up all over the place.

"I'm getting up," I groaned out to no one and headed to the bathroom. Blindly I started the shower, adjusting the temperature to one that would wake me up. Usually I loved hot showers but this morning a cold one is going to have to do. Stepping under the cool spray I began my morning routine of washing my hair and body, using my face cleanser and getting out. I wrapped a towel around my hair and then my body.

I used my hand to wipe the condensation from the mirror and continued with my make up before finally getting dressed and fixing my hair. I made sure to rub lotion on my body to make it soft. My bottom lip was between my teeth and I could still feel the tiredness from staying out last night. It was well worth it but I knew that the day was only going to drag.

My mind was all over the place as I grabbed my purse and shook my head hoping that I didn't forget anything. Once I was in my car, air blasting to beat the Georgia heat, I headed towards my small store and wondered what type of day it was going to be. I hoped that it would be busy in order to make the day go by faster. I let out a yawn as I opened the store, a cup held tightly in my hand as I took a swig of it. I could feel the heat burning my tongue and down my throat. I didn't care because the bitter liquid was waking me up and making the tiredness go away, maybe just holding it at bay.

"Good morning," a voice chirped and I turned to see Sarah standing there with a coffee in her hand and a bright smile on her face. A red flowing top over stretchy leggings adorned her body, a pair of dangling hoops in her ears, the outfit one she had purchased from here.

"Good morning Sarah," I spoke and gave her a soft smile, as I took the book to check inventory and she took her place behind the register after clocking in. Neither of us needed to say anything to each other but we knew what each other needed.

We continued to work as the store had a steady stream of customers and I couldn't be happier. It seems like it is getting out even more and I bit my lip. The bell above the door chiming that someone was coming in and my head moved to look to whom it was. I smiled as I saw Mingus wrap his arms around Sarah and plant a sweet kiss to her lips; a brown paper bag clutched in one hand and I assumed it was lunch for Sarah since it was around lunch time.

"Hey Sarah," I called to her, watching as she looked to me, still in her boyfriend's arms, "why don't you take a break. I can handle it from here."

"Are you sure?" She asked, although I could see that she was trying to keep a huge smile from lighting up her face.

I only nodded my head and shooed her out with my hand, watching the young couple and couldn't help but feel such a small twinge of jealousy flow through me. It was a relationship that I had wanted and wished I had had when I was younger. Of course there weren't many boys that wanted to date someone who wasn't skinny at all. It was how I got into fashion in the first place. I just threw myself into it and focused all my free time on making clothes.

My legs ached as I ran from one end of the store to another, the heels making them. I pushed the pain to the back of my mind as I tried to keep up with the demand from my customers, Sarah relieving me as she came back. My shoes now rested beside me as I sat in the backroom, looking over the stock that I have and showing what I needed to have made, my drawing pad resting beside me with a blank page. It was there just in case I get inspired by different fashions but lately it's like I have fallen into a rut with the designs of my clothes and with life. I guess I was still preoccupied with Norman but that isn't good. I couldn't let him affect my work otherwise I could see my business going down the drain. He was a super sweet guy and yeah it seems like we were friends, but knowing me it could develop into more and I couldn't have that. What if I fall for him and this was just another friend? That he didn't like me like that. Then I would look like a fool who had fallen for their best friend once again. This is why I hung out with guys who were gay or taken, less chance of me falling for once of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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