*Excuse the mistakes*
“I am so sorry!” I cried in embarrassment holding back the laughs as Chase gave me a recap of my adventurous Friday night. “It’s fine she wasn’t even that cute.” he joked referring to the quick hook up I interrupted. Oddly that was one of the things I remembered from last night. “Hungry?” he asked standing up walking over to the vintage looking phone sitting on a side table by the door. “starved” I replied remembering that everything that had been in my stomach from the past 24 hours was upchucked. Chase picked up the receiver and punched three numbers in and waited. Sitting on the bed I could feel his eyes on me so I looked up and caught his eyes he stuck his tongue out teasing me. I just laughed and rolled my eyes then he shot me his famous boy smirk. “Hi. yes. two please. thank you so much.” he spoke into the phone. After making our order he hung up the phone and ran over to the bed doing a belly flop on top of me. We watched tv while we waited for our food to arrive. After about 15 minutes after the phone call there was a loud knock on the bedroom door. “Come in” Chase responded to the knock. The door open and two men dressed in suits wheeled in a cart full of food into the room. “You can just leave it here.” Chase said handing each man a 20 dollar bill as a tip. Once the men left I jumped out of bed and walked over to the cart.
“What do we have here?” I asked
“We got eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, mixed fruit, yogurt, granola, and oj of course.” Chase listed. I stared at him until he caught me. “what?” he asked.
“You’re cute.” I responded grabbing a plate and piling up the food.
After getting all the food I wanted and a wine glass full of orange juice I went back to the bed. Chase did the same then rejoined me on the bed. I started to eat when I felt Chase’s eyes on me.
“What?” I asked confused.
“you’re cute.” he replied with a wink I just rolled my eyes and finished my food.
We were done eating and the movie we started had just got over so I decided it was time for me to head home so I jumped out of bed and headed for my shoes.
“What’re you doing?” Chase asked sitting up.
“I’m going to head out.”
“Ouch.” he said holding his heart.
“What?” I asked confused.
“I had a whole day of fun planned but never mind leave.”
“What do you have in mind?” I asked joining him in the bed.
“Well, they have this dance play in central park.” he said playing with his hands.
“I have nothing to wear.” I whined.
“It’s fine we can stop by your place on the way.”
“Something about explaining to Jake why I’m going to the park with his friend doesn’t seem fun.”
“Hold on.” he said walking out of the room “here.” he yelled throwing me a sweatshirt and a pair of yoga leggings.
“what is this?” I asked holding up the sweatshirt.
“It’s my old lacrosse sweatshirt and those are my sisters old leggings.” he said leaving the room.
I jumped out of the bed and headed to the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom. Propping the sweatshirt and leggings on the counter that surrounded the sink I stared at the sweatshirt it had two lacrosse sticks and our school logo the leggings were the pink brand the band was mint green with thick lettering saying “Love Pink”. I pulled off my crop top and replaced it with the sweatshirt then did the same with the leggings. When I was done getting dressed I walked over to the mirror and cringed at what looked back at me so I wiped off the little bit of last night that was still smeared on my face. After throwing my curly spirals in a bun on the top of my head I walked out of the bathroom to see Chase ready to go he was wearing khakis slacks a white tee with a plaid shirt.
“ready?” he asked standing up I just nodded and followed him out of the room. Walking down the hallway was like walking through a museum there were painting and sculptures everywhere I was in complete awe at how big and beautiful everything was. I was so distracted that I didn’t realize he stopped which caused me run right into his back causing me to fall making a loud smack.
“What is going on?” a middle age women appeared from the living room.
“Sorry mom she tripped.” Chase laughed causing my face to turn red.
“and who is she?” she said with a curious smile.
“Her name’s Payton.” Chase answered helping me up.
“Well hello Payton.” Chase’s mom said with a friendly smile.
“Hello..” I stopped realizing I didn’t know Chase’s last night.
“You can call me Mary.” She smiled. “what’re you guys doing today?”
“We’re going to dance theatre.” Chase answered.
“You should come!” I blurted out Chase turned around and gave me a look.
“I’d love to but I have a meeting with the woman's club today.” she said packing up her stuff causing Chase to let out a relieved sigh. “thank you for offering though.” I just smiled
“We better get going.” Chase butted in.
“It was nice meeting you Mary.” I smiled as followed Chase.
“It was a delight come around more Chase needs more girlfriends like you!”
“Mom!” Chase yelled completely pulling me out of his apartment.
Once we got to the lobby Chase called for the car and we stood there waiting. The whole time we were waiting I was staring at Chase thinking about what his mom said.
“What?” he finally asked.
“Girlfriend?” I joked.
“In your dreams.” he joked back.
The black town car pulled up and we hoped in. The ride to the park was silent but not the awkward silent more of a comfortable silent. When we arrived to the park Chase helped me out the car and we walked to get tickets. On our way to our seats there was a man handing out pamphlets that had bold letters saying “what’re your dreams?” I laughed at how cheesy it was. Once we finally sat down Chase turned toward me and held up the pamphlet I grabbed it and looked through it.
“What’re your dreams?” he asked.
“Shut up.” I laughed but, his face showed that he wasn’t kidding.
“You're serious?” I asked confused he just gave me a nod.
I thought about it for a minute then finally blurted out “I want to be someone.”
“What do you mean?” he asked with a tone of concern.
“I want to live you know?” I started, not looking him in the eyes. “I want people to remember me I want to be known.” I finished not sure if what I was saying made sense.
“By whom?” he asked completely into the conversation.
“Anyone who cares.” I added finally making eye contact.
Music started playing causing us to break the eye contact the show was starting so the conversation was over. I could tell Chase had something more to say but something stopped him.