Bella P.O.V
I yawn i just woke up and i heard some weird noises from outside. I put on some clothes and walk downstairs to see my Brothers Remor and Marshall my sisters Kate and Isabella and our Dog Skeleton His name is Skeleton because he looks like one! "Whats going on?" I ask looking at all 4. "Were being attacked by---" Remor was cut off as a Zombie starts breaking our window and trys crawling in. I scream as Skeleton cuddles all upto my legs to protect me. I quick run to get my backpack and stuff it with stuff i need like chargers , food , phones , money , paspoorts , keys and more stuff. Also stuff for the dog everyone else already have their backpack all packed. We also have wapons as we run out the back to the city. The city is close by though we life like 5 minutes away , thank god! Skeleton runs by my side and Remor and Kate at the back with Isabella and Mars at the front i run in the middle. Since im a special born kid. We see a free cafe and run in. There are 2 teens inside. They both look at me and Skeleton. "Erm hi..." Isabella says growling a bit at them. "Hi! My names Josh...whats yours?" The guy with brown hair says. He stands up and makes a playfull and lovely bown for me. "M...My names Bella.." I say and blush as Josh grabs my hand and kisses it gently. "Well Bella the pleasure is all mine to meet you" he says and leads me to a table for two persons. I sit down as he does the rest. After an hour..Me and Josh get to randomly know eachother really good. Me and Josh instanly become really close. Like ive know him since i was born. So does Josh , he tells me a joke to lighten the mood. I laugh and tell him hes pretty funny. Remor and Mars keeps an eye out. "The names Teo..." The other guy says with white hair and at the front he has blue hair. We all tell them our namd and explain to them whats happening. "Wait so you guys are telling us that the city people are turning into Zombies? And we are stuck?....." Josh tilts his head. "If im correct , yes." Remor looks for some more money , keys and food while Mars looks for wapons and hiding spot. Since i arent anable to fight yet.
Zombies start breaking off the door. I scream and run up the stairs Josh and Skeleton quick run behind me. Isabella runs after them. Remor , Mars and Kate start fighting the zombies to stay back. A few zombies made their way through Remor , Mars and Kate run before them after the rest. Teo runs first , i crawl upto a ladder with Skeleton in my hands. Josh protects me and sits infront of me with a gun and a few knifes. Remor and Mars found more kitchen knifes and Kate a gun fully loaded. "Im gonna die , im gonna die IM GONNA DIE!" I repeat this a few times screaming and cry louder. "YOU'RE NOR GONNE DIE IF YOU STAY CALM!" Josh screams at me and trys to keep me calm. I breathe heavily and hug Skeleton. After like 30 minutes the Zombies give up and leave. We all sigh and Josh hugs me crying a bit. I hug back really tight. "Just d...dont here.. Me and your family will protect you....i promise...ill go through the fire for you...ill let myself be eaten for you.....i promise...i promise...." Josh hugs tighter and wipes his tears away. I smile while wiping my tears away Remor jumps down with the rest and i go down the ladder with Skeleton and Josh follows me down.(Quick tip: Josh is Hotness .-.) "Cmon wolfie lets go" Josh reloads the gun and stands ready "ya' know were NOT pets.." Remor growls. "I know but i WASNT talking to you" Josh says While he pulls me closer. I snuggle for room to still move and he gives me it. "Lets go." Remor walks out with the rest with me and Josh in the middle. Skeleton on my left Josh on my right , i sigh and look around i smile a bit but that smile is soon gone. We run to the Exit of the Cafe since the Zombies are still inside. I run for my life , how can this be happening?! Josh and the rest are protecting me see? I arent crazy.... My dream was true...Flashback
"Bella? Bella! BELLA!" I hear a voice ive never heard before...
I see a guy with Brown hair and a guy with blonde/light brown hair holding me. I try to break free , im full of tears and scream for help. But no one came.End of Flashback
I run and run and run. Untill i see a car and run inside with the rest , i sit in the front with the rest at the back. Josh is driving as he drives into the forest. I quick grab some water and drink. The car crashed an hour later and we see a treehouse we all quick go I go in with the dog in my arms as normal. Josh stands infront of me to protect me for anything that comes infront of me. I whimper really scared. I give some water to the dog and put the water back into my backpack. "Bella...i told you... Dont here...ill protect you.." Josh quickly turns around and kisses my forhead , i blush feeling a bit better. "O....Okay..." I say and hug Skeleton. Two guys come down the stairs of the Treehouse. "Well hello!~" a guy with Blonde/light brown hair say. We all greet them "ey ey eyyyyy" the Blonde one grabs a dog cookie. The guy with Blonde/light brown hair is Chris! Im Mooiejonge" the blonde one says. "Sooo~ whats your name cutie?~" Chris grabs me and pulls me to him but fails as Josh pulls me back to him. " shes yours?..." Chris gives him a jealous death glare. "Yes , Yes she IS." Josh gives Chris a death glare too. "Erm guys? Can you both let go of me...please?...." They both let go and growl at eachother. "I dont know who you are.. But if you try stealing my new girlfriend.... you're dead to me." Chris says pointing a knife at Josh his chest. "WOAH WOAH calm down dude!" Mooiejonge quickly snaps the knife out of Chris is hands. "GIVE ME MY WAPON BACK YOU PIECE OF SH*T!" Chris grabs his knife back as Josh points his gun at Chris. "Dont. You. Dare." Josh says , "Can you just snap out of it? Its not the time were in a zombie apocalypse.." I say and roll my eyes. "You two act like children on a playground fighting about who is gonna play with me.." I cross my arms. "Its getting dark.... Lets just call it a night...." Remor says closing and locking the door. We all agree , "i'll sleep with Bella." Josh growls giving more death glares at Chris. "Hmfp...Fine" Chris mumbles and heads upstairs. Josh picks me up and sets me on the big couch. "?!?!?!" I look at Josh. He smirks "dont worry... Chris wont touch you... And if he will hes dead." Josh lays be on the couch and lays next to me. I fall asleep slowly all cuddled upto Josh.
The beginning of a Zombie Apocalypse.
Hey guys! Cake Legend here! I just wrote a 1325 Words! Phew! My bf Josh is hoping i finished this part do here ya go Josh .3. Anyway i hope you guys liked this first part support by following and voting set a comment for suggetions and if u liked it!

Hunted by the wolves
AdventureThis is the story bout a girl named Bella Demon Moon. she lives with her family on a farm. her and her family are all werewolves , her parents told her to never go into the forest.. but one day she did , thats when the weird things start to happen...