What do I see when I look into the mirror?
I see a ghost.
I see someone trying to hold on with two fingernails, bloody and half dead.
I see a twin brother, his throat slit.
I see blood on my reflection's hands, splattered on his face, my face.
I see my dead parents, blue faces, tongues swollen, eyes bulging.
When I look into the mirror, I see a broken soul, a broken heart, a broken mind.My reflection is pale in comparison to the real thing, a true monster.
I see an orphaned thirteen year old, a blood soaked fifteen year old, a scarred and hurting eighteen year old.
A shell is reflected back, empty and devoid of life.
When I look into the mirror, I see a killer.
I see a boy who killed and took glee in it.
I see a past full of blood that can never be cleaned.
I see a broken mind that can never be healed.
When I look at you, I see everything I want to be.
I can't mess that up, otherwise I'd die.
I will die.
It'll likely happen soon.
I'll get hit by a bus, or freeze in the cold, or starve in the streets, and Hell will just be my next home.
I can't be saved.
You can.