pony walked along the stone path of the local park, his nose buried deep into a novel. pony always loved reading, especially outdoors on days like these. tulsa wasn't known for having the best weather. but when the weather was good, it was good. it was cloudy with a slight breeze, pony's favorite type of weather if he was to be honest.
pony tightened the grip on the pages of his book, preventing them from being blown by the breeze. as he approached the end of a particularly interesting chapter, his face hit the page he was reading.
"must've bumped into something," he muttered to himself and looked up from the novel. his assumption was correct. he did bump into something, or rather, someone.
it was a boy around his age. he had tan skin and his hair was a bit messy, even though it looked perfectly combed. but the biggest thing pony noticed were his sunglasses. it wasn't the fact that they looked bad, because they didn't (they suited him quite well, actually), but it was the fact that he was wearing them in this weather. as pony continued making notes about this stranger, he was interrupted by another voice.
"hey watch where you're going!" the voice reprimanded him. the voice came from the taller lad who stood next to the stranger he bumped into. pony was about to open his mouth to apologize, but was cut off by the boy with sunglasses.
"c'mon dally, it was an accident. plus, it's not like he knew..." the boy trailed off. the other guy, now known as "dally" shut his mouth and gave the boy a pained look. the boy ignored it and turned to face pony.
"forget him, he's always been like this. i'm johnny. johnny cade," the sunglasses boy introduced himself.
pony smiled, "ponyboy. ponyboy curtis." he held his hand out for johnny to shake, but johnny didn't seem to shake back. pony's eyes widened in realization and he quickly pulled his hand back.
"are you...?" pony questioned.
"blind? yeah. i was born with it, so no biggie." johnny shrugged, frowning slightly. pony nodded, only to realize that johnny couldn't see him. great going, einstein, pony thought to himself. then, he got an idea.
"hey, i'm still awfully sorry for bumping into you. there's a hotdog stand nearby. i could make it up to you...if you'd like, i mean. you don't have to..." pony was red-faced by the time he finished his proposition. he was cut off by a giggle. an adorable giggle.
"i'd love to," johnny replied.
"whoa whoa whoa, what do you mean you'd love to?!" dally stood there in utter confusion. this normally never happened. johnny hated it when people bumped into him, or if he bumped into someone! what made this guy in a yellow jacket so...different?
"it's settled then!" johnny grinned, ignoring dally's protest. pony grinned even wider, grabbing johnny's hand and running over to the hotdog stand. leaving dally and his protests behind.
*le huge timeskip*
"pony?" johnny turned to his boyfriend of a year and a half. the two of them were currently curled up in pony's bedroom, talking about everything and nothing.
"yeah johnny?"
"uhh...oh geez, how do i say this, umm...why did you ask me out? i mean, why me of all people?"
pony turned to face him, genuinely shocked over the question.
"what do you mean?"
"well, i-i know i'm not exactly 'boyfriend material,' heh. a-and it's like...you deserve so much better than what i can do. like...someone funnier, someone smarter, someone...not blind." johnny bit his lip, trying to hold back tears. "it's just that, you're...so amazing, and i'm just...me," johnny sighed, his insecurities taking full toll on him now. he knew he shouldn't have said anything. now pony would leave him and just say that he dated him out of pity. just as he was about to cry into one of pony's pillows, he felt an arm wrap around his waist.
"now you listen carefully, johnny," pony started, nuzzling his face into the crook of johnny's neck, "remember when we first met?"
"y-yeah, how could i forget?" johnny replied, blushing at the memory.
"d'ya really think i bumped into you and thought, 'man, this blind kid needs a boyfriend?' no. heck, i didn't even know you were blind! and then after that, our trip to the hotdog stand. i didn't wanna make it up to you because you were blind, i wanted to make it up to you because i was genuinely sorry for bumping into you..." pony smiled softly, planting a small kiss to johnny's jaw. "it also helped that you had a really adorable giggle."
johnny really listened to pony's voice, looking for some sort of tone to shoe if he was telling the truth or not.
pony continued talking, "me noticing that giggle turned into me noticing more of your personality. you made me feel happy. you made me feel special. that's why i asked you out. that's why i'm determined to make what we have last until the end of time."
pony planted another small kiss to johnny's temple and whispered softly, "you say your blindness is a curse, but it was what brought us together. and that's something i'll always cherish. i love you johnny. from the bottom of my heart."
johnny was in tears by the time pony ended his speech. he hugged him tightly, sniffling into his shirt a bit. pony held him just as tight, letting a few tears of his own slip out as well.
they ended up falling asleep in that position. they woke up the next day in that position as well.
word count: 959
a/n ahhhhh i'm sorry if this isn't "her part 2" (believe me, i want it just as bad as you guys seem to) but hey, it's something. i guess i wanted to make something fluffy and adorable after all the drama the last two fics seemed to have lol. so i hope you enjoy this highly underwhelming mess (but seriously, i'll try and convince pj to write a part 2 if it's the last thing i do) - todd

zenosyne | johnnyboy one shots
Fanfictionwe both love the outsiders and johnnyboy so why not write oneshots about them?! the au we're going to mostly be using is that they're living in our time (still the same setting). here's some details about it: • ages: darry - 23, soda - 19, pony - 1...