who did it

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I drove up into the driveway an turned off the car I sat in the seat for a while I looked at the door o was questioning whether I should go in or not I took the keys out of the ignition and opened the car door and got out I walked up to the door and knocked

.::Sylka's p.o.v::.

I was I'm my room reading a book I was in the middle of finding out a huge secret when I heard someone knock on the door I put my book down and went downstairs I opened the door I wondered who it was but no one was there I looked around outside but I couldn't see anyone I got back inside the house and closed the door

.::Rayna's p.o.v::.

I knocked on the door and Sylka opened it she looked around like she couldn't see me then she came  outside and walked right though me I looked at my hand's and started breathing hard I was me again I felt anger and pain and hate and a lot of other emotions all at once anger because I wanted to make Sylka feel how I felt I wanted to know what she help do to me pain because Ray doesn't love me anymore and he never will and hate because I don't want to be like this anymore I hate every living thing I wish I could be like that again I see them all so happy so filled with.....with life I looked up at the door as Sylka was walking back in the house and I walked in she turned around and looked straight at me

Sylka: wh-who are you? how did u get in

me: u don't remember me

Sylka: remember u I don't even know u

me: how could u forgot what u did to me *clenching fists*

Sylka: oh my God who the f*** r u get out ma house

me: not until u remember what you u did to me

Sylka: I remember u.....no it can't be u your dead I saw it  I watched u die

me: oh yeah now I'm gonna watch u die

Sylka: *turn's around and runs*

me: *evil smile*

Sylka: *tries to run out the back door*

me: *lock's it before she can get to it*

Sylka: *screams an turn's around*

me: go ahead an run there isn't a lot of places you can hide

Sylka: *runs in the kitchen an grabs a knife an points it around the kitchen an back's up into the sink* *screams*

me: *runs hand along the wall's

Sylka: *runs upstairs to her room an lock's the door*

me: come on Sylka don't u wanna have some fun an mess around remember that

Sylka: f*** you get out

me: *Laugh's*

Sylka: *point's knife at the door*

me: *starts humming*

Sylka: please stop it *starts to cry* I'm sorry for hurting u I didn't mean for that to happen I just wanted to have some fun

me: your not sorry don't lie to me

Sylka: I did nothing to you


Sylka: *waves knife around starts shaking*

me: *bust down door*

Sylka: *fall's down screaming*

me: *lift's her up by the neck*

Sylka: *screams and kick's*

me: *flings her across the room*

revenge on my girlfriends killer (Ray Ray and yn love story)Where stories live. Discover now