5. Hand Me The Pom-Poms!

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Chapter 5: Hand Me The Pom-Poms!

“Hi,” I breathed out as I slid into his car, getting a major case of déjà vu that just about blew me away and left me breathless.

“Hi,” he replied back simply, a small smile adorning his clean-shaved face.

I kept gaping at him idiotically, my body half-turned towards him as I tried to wrap my head around recent happenings, but failing to do so. I was just smiling, like I’d just won the lottery. The love lottery or something as trite as that.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized hastily for staring at him, realizing how creepy I was being and mentally kicking myself for it because this wasn’t how I did things, “I just can’t believe you called,” I admitted, figuring that honesty’s the best policy as I bit my lip and blushed like a virgin on her wedding night.

“I said I would, didn’t I?” he countered back, raising one eyebrow at me, the smile never once leaving his face.

“Yes,” I agreed, nodding, seeing how he did have a point, “but I didn’t think-“

“That it would be so soon?” he finished for me, laughing and overwhelmed, all I could do was nod my head at him like a bobblehead doll.

At first, I thought it was dad calling to check up on me and find out if I had made any boys cry today when, in fact, it was Tyson, asking me if I wanted to hang out.

Of course I wanted to hang out. I’d been waiting to hang out with him for what felt to me like an eternity and when it finally happened, I could barely believe it. It took me all my willpower not to pinch myself just in case. I had no low self-esteem issues (not ones I knew of, anyways), but I never thought he’d actually meant it when he said he was going to ‘see me later’.

“Yeah, exactly,” I nodded, still in a daze.

“Honestly, I just wanted to see you. Is that so bad?” he confessed, like it was no big deal.


Are you kidding me?

Tyson Jones, the crush of all crushes, wanting to see me, out of all girls, was fan-fucking-tastic.

Hand me the goddamn pom-poms!

“No, of course not, I’m glad you called,” I replied, trying not to freak out and keep my cool. Easier said than done though when your first real crush was sitting right next to you and you could barely believe your luck.

“So,” Tyson drawled, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel, “now that this is out of the way, what do you want to do?”

I shrugged, smiling bashfully at him. “I’m up for anything, really. Whatever you want,” I told him, thinking that any activity that involved me spending some time with TJ would be good enough for me. Even if that meant boar hunting or whatever. Hell, looking at his smile, even fishing sounded pretty darn appealing to me right now.

But of course it was already dark outside, so I doubted we’d be going to a fishing trip.

“Okay, then I think I have an idea,” he said, nodded his head curtly before he turned on the ignition and peeled out of Connor’s driveway.

“Can I ask you something?” I queried, nibbling on my lower lip anxiously and fiddling with my thumbs. Tyson took his eyes off the road to give me a ‘go ahead’ look.

“Yeah, naturally, shoot,” he told me, smiling down at me reassuringly and giving me all the encouragement I needed.

“What are you doing here?” I blurted out before I lost my bravado. Then quickly retracted my steps and corrected myself. “I don’t mean here, as in here with me. I mean, what are you doing back home? I thought you went to NYU,” I said to him, my curiosity once again getting the best of me. I realized I hardly knew him and didn’t want to come off as too nosy, but from all I did know, he was supposed to be at college and not going to high school partied hosted by me as much as I liked that.

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