War vs. Death

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Ares p.o.v:

As I stood there holding the chain in my hand again, I felt a presence. Someone with the power level of one of the big three. It was the second time that I had felt this presence. It had to be Di Angelo, since his father got killed he was the only one that could temporarily take over as god of the Underworld.

I felt him coming closer, until he stood a feet or 20 behind me. He was stupid enough to come here for the second time.

"Too scared to come closer Di Angelo?" I said mockingly.

"No. You don't smell right." Came the sneering answer.

"Very funny. Why have you come?" I asked.

"I came to see what you are doing." He answered.

"I'm fishing, maybe I'll catch a Perseus or an Artemis!" I said with fake excitement.

"Great. So, you going to explain what you did to the Big Three." Di Angelo demanded.

"Oh! You saw! Well, your father tried to have me killed!" I lied.

"So? You killed Poseidon!" He said.

"Yes! He was in the way of my plan." I answered.

"What plan?" Nico asked. He just kept talking, so I decided to shut him up.

"THIS PLAN!" I yelled as I launched myself towards him.

I covered the distance in one leap. I held him by his throat, with one hand the other was still holding the chain. Suddenly, he kicked the inside of right thigh. He followed through with a punch to the face.

He had the upper hand, because I couldn't let go of the chain. And he was in his realm. I blocked his next punch with my left hand, I hit him with my palm on his chest. He slid back 6 feet.

The new god summoned his sword, and came at me again. Di Angelo tried a overhead blow, but I deflected the sword with the armor on my forearm. He kept his attacks quick and sharp. I was only able to defend with one arm. So I was hit more than once, a few scars that were bleeding slowed me down.

My only way out was the chain. So I stepped back quickly, but Di Angelo kept closing in. I decided to distract him first.

"If...you kill me now....Perseus will never.....come out of Tartarus." I said in between short breaths.

He stopped attacking and looked at me. He came closer, waving his sword dangerously in front of him. He was now close enough, I hoped that the myths about the chain were true. As he stopped in front of me I acted as if I was too tired to do anything.

"Congrats..... You've tired out the god of war." I said as I breathed heavily.

He was coming even closer, slowly but surely he came into my reach.

Now or never, I thought to myself as I quickly stepped closer and stretched my right hand behind his back and tried to grab his left arm. But, he was even quicker. A sword poked me in neck. He smiled at me. I was about to kick him, until I thought of something better.

I let go of the chain. "NO! THE CHAIN!" I said as I turned around. I watched him run after it. At the last moment he leapt and caught the chain just before it disappeared into the hole.

It burned his skin but he didn't let go, he looked at me tears in his eyes. The pain must have been too much. I hurried over and grabbed the chain from him as he fainted.

The chain didn't do anything to me, even I can't explain why. I summoned a rope and started tying up the new god of the Underworld. I stepped on the chain and set to work.


Nico p.o.v:

In front of me I saw Percy's only chance of getting out of Tartarus disappearing. I couldn't let that happen so I jumped after the chain. My biggest mistake yet. The images that flashed in front of me were infinitely more painful than the burning chain. Flashes of the world in ruins, my friends and loved ones dead or dying.

I knew I was done for, Ares could've thrown me into Tartarus when I was unconscious, but he didn't. When I woke up I saw him standing next to me, the chain in his left hand. I tried to move, but to no avail. My legs and arms were tightly tied with a rope. I struggled against it, but it didn't shift.

"Don't even try to get out of that rope." Ares said without looking at me.

"Why not?" I asked.

"It's mixed with celestial bronze and Imperial gold." He declared.

My chance of getting out of there alive was getting smaller with the second. I tried to think, but the images filled with terror kept coming back. I couldn't get my mind straight, thinking was hard. Everything was covered in red, the frightening color of blood, the edges of my eyesight was faded. As if the darkness was slowly closing in on me.

"What are your plans for me?" I tiredly said.

"I don't know yet. Maybe a one-way trip to Tartarus?" He laughed. "It depends on your behavior, you behave and I might give you a chance to join me. You don't? I'll make sure you never see the light again." Ares finished.

"I'd rather die than keep looking at that ugly face of yours!" I loathed.

"Oh well, you made your choice then. I gave you a chance, but now it's time to die." Ares said calmly.

Obviously what I had said wasn't true, Ares wasn't ugly. He was quite the opposite, one of the reasons that Aphrodite fell in love with the god of war.

He walked over to me, the chain still in his hand. He stopped next to me and pushed me with his foot, I rolled on my side. I was only a few feet away from the hole. The kick came from nowhere, I was struck in my stomach.

I felt the ground beneath me disappear, everything went in slow-motion. I got a short glance of Ares blank face. Then I felt myself falling downwards, I closed my eyes and faced my end.

Hope you enjoyed!



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