pushing forward

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Timothys pov

After Alex dying the group has been looking down how can one person affect a large group  I get it if it was freinds and family but complete strangers how is it possible.

I don't know but what ever it is a need to keep moving forward a can't lose our focas we have to get out of town before things get worse I only have a few surrvivors with me and right now its not looking to good.

We all head to a bus stop to see if we can get to see an empty bus with keys or anything we can use to get out of this hellish town I wish things were back to normal but sadly it's already to late do that

Who what have new a zombie infection would have broken out I thought everything we saw in movies were suppose to be fake but I guess anything I possible in this crazy twisted world that a live in

I see Claire and my mom head to one of the buses me and my sister and dezzy stick close to each other issacc,mrs.valintines,seth,ruby and the new girl sticks to look out while we try to find a ride my mom and Claire head for the bus behind the one me dezzy and Haley are checking out.

Out I no where the new girls voice pops up out of no where

"My name is oliva  by the way oliva red "

Hi welcome to the group my name is Timothy that's my sister and this is my bestfreind dezzy the girls behind is in the other one that short one with all black I my mom Alice and that kinda tall one with the red jacket and black boots is Claire  and those ones are issacc,mrs.valintines,seth, and ruby

"Thanks well I guess I'll go back over their to the others"

Oh no it's fine I think this bus is good to go climb aboard I'll go get the others...mrs.valintines the bus is all yours congratulations

"Yay who's ready to leave this dumb"

All aboard the bus ... everybody stared to take their seats while mrs.valintines starts to drive this is gonna sound crazy but I think if  we get through this alive I'm gonna work my ass off and start changing my attitude cause man my shit I sounds so rude.....

( The group starts to drive towards the main road )

People Of The Undead :the InfectionWhere stories live. Discover now