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Hola! I am May and I will review chick lit and romance and I can't wait to read all your fantastic books.

1st Payment Choice:

↬ vote + honestly read two of my books

↬ A permanent follow on my account

↬ If you are good with graphics, I will accept either one for any of my books.

2nd Payment Choice:

↬ Give me a shoutout

↬ comment on at least (you can do more, if you want) 5 chapters of one of my books( and I mean honest comments not one-word cheesy comments like 'wow' or 'cool')

↬ spam me with cheesy pickup lines and song quotes

I will judge your book fully and give you very constructive, honest feedback. I will base everything from the cover of your book to the first paragraph to how everything transitions into the next few chapters. tI can't wait to start reading all your lovely books!

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