a quiet moan escapes dallons parted lips. he knew that he should've ignored the text he knew it.
god damn brendon and tyler. always messing with him. okay, dallon knows he should just continue on working like nothing's wrong; he can't, though.
dallon hasn't done anything remotely sexual in a couple of months, so he has an excuse, right?
"i'm so getting fired." dallon quietly whispers to himself.
"yes, you are." the sound of a deep voice has dallon yanking his hand out of his pants faster then he thought possible.
he looks up to see his boss, "oh my gosh. i'm so sorry, sir!" dallon exclaims, pulling up his pants and zipping them he flushes red.
"it's okay, dallon. just don't let me see it happen again, or, well you know what."
you see, dallon won't get fired or anything, he'll just get punished. you can go ahead and decide what punished means.
i just uploaded a new story. it'd be nice if you guys could check it out. i know no one will because people barley read and vote on this story, but it's the thought that counts .