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I awoke the next day to the sounds of someone whispering, i opened my eyes to see Blake, Yang, and Ruby all standing at the side of my bed whispering to each other.

"Should we wake them up?" Ruby asked Yang quietly.

"I don't know, they seem comfortable like that." Yang said with a light giggle.

I fully opened my eyes and realized exactly why they were talking like that, i looked to see that i had kicked off the blanket while i was asleep. My eyes grew wide as i saw Weiss's gown had moved up exposing most of her leg, it had gone high enough to give anyone the wrong idea but not enough for anything to be exposed.

I was still holding her the same way as the night before, i looked at Yang, Ruby, and Blake. "He-hey?" I stuttered to say.

I looked at Weiss who was still asleep, "Weiss... Its morning." I said.

She opened her eyes slowly and rubbed them sleepily as she sat up. As she did so she noticed that her gown had moved up, she looked at me then back at her gown.


I rubbed my cheek softly as i finished getting dressed, i was wearing my metal boots, my black chest plate with a black long sleeve shirt under, and black jeans, i rubbed my cheek as i recalled exactly what had happened.

As soon Weiss had seen her gown, she screamed and slapped me as hard she could. She let me explain and then told me to get dressed, she could be very bossy at times.

"Hey you ready yet?" Yang asked from my door.

"Don't you people ever knock?" I asked.

"Well.... Yes but we don't knock with you." She said as she swung the door wide open.

I looked over at the clock on my desk, it read 6:30 AM. I looked at her.

"Why did you guys wake me up so early!" I nearly yelled.

"Well Kalas said he'd be here early.... So i got up early..." She said, i was able to detect a light tone of embarrassment.

"Why do you want to see him so badly?" I asked.

"Its none of your business!" She said, her eyes a light red as she said so.

I shrugged and ignored her statement. "Sorry i asked." I said as i walked towards her.

As i reached her i heard a light knocking on my window, i turned to see Kalas at my window. He opened it and entered without waiting for me to do so.

"Hey hey morning morning , didn't expect you all to be up so early." He said with a smile.

"Well we needed to get up early if we wanted to see you test Mar." Yang said calmly.

My eyes grew wide as i heard her say that, "wait wait wait what do you mean see him test me."

"Ohh yeah. Mar i wanted to see how powerful you've become. Therefore," he bowed lightly and looked up at me," i challenge you to a spar." He said with a smile.

I sighed and looked at Kalas them at the door, not only was Yang there but now all the members of team RWBY were standing there.

There was no talking my way out of this one,"Alright, i accept." I said.


A few minutes later we were all standing in as far a we could get from the dorms, in hopes of not waking anyone up.

Kalas stood across from me standing as he had been when he spared with Weiss. I sighed and cocked my hands left hand back, my gloves becoming my gauntlets in a split second. Kalas smiled as i did so and looked at me for a while.


"Been a while since i last seen the Widows Tears this up close." He said referring to my gauntlets, thats what i had named them after i made them, for my mother was a widow and she cried often when my father was mentioned, she was one of the reasons why Kalas and i had become delinquents.

I smiled as i slowly unsheathed a black and purple Katana, i smiled as i looked at it. "Howling Wind." I said as i looked over his katana, the blade was jagged and seemed to come to a row of Jagged sharp teeth near the handle of the blade but other than that there was nothing more to his blade.

He smiled,"You first or me?" He asked.

"I prefer if you went first." I said with a calm smile.

********Weiss's P.O.V***********

I watched as Mar readied himself for the fight, he looked so calm and collected you would actually believe he could win against him.

Im faster than Mar and i was not able to keep up with Kalas. Yet, i wanted Mar to win, not because i liked him but because i wanted to see someone show that stuck up jerk that he wasn't the best one around. 'Oh god... Is that what people think of me?' I thought as i watched Kalas rush forward.

He seemed to disappear before my eyes and reappear just for an instant in front of Mar. The sound of loud clashing steel filled the air but i was not able to see when their weapons had collided.

Kalas reappeared a few feet away from Mar and again rushed towards him disappearing mid run, this time i focused my sights on Mar's movements; i was able to see as Mar reached forward and grasped something mid air, a loud clank filled the air as steel clashed. I looked at Mar to see him holding Kalas's sword in his hand, Kalas smiled at Mar and with his free hand unsheathed a second katana, and brought it down on Mar.

This Mar seemed surprised but he was able to take hold of that one as well. 'kalas lost!' I though to myself happily as i saw them facing each other.

Instead of Kalas giving up, i was able to see him headbutt Mar and quickly kick Mar in the chest causing him to stumble and fall. Kalas quickly cane down on Mar with both swords aimed at his arms, in a fluent motion Mar rolled to his left side, Kalas stabbed into the solid pavement. He began to pull at his sword trying to pry them free but to no avail.

I watched as Mar took hold of Kalas and threw him as far as he could, he landed a few feet away from Mar. "Had enough?" Mar asked.

I was happy, Mar had actually beat Kalas. My excitement faded away as i heard a faint laughter coming from Kalas, he slowly stood up and smiled at his brother; "not even close." Kalas said.

Mar rushed forward and slashed at his head, Kalas barrel rolled and dove towards his sword and pried it loose with a big pull; he rushed Mar, a dim blue glow emitting from his sword as he did so. Mar slashed again but missed, this time Kalas ran behind Mar and placed his sword on Mar's back. A light buzzing sound filled the air and i saw the blue light transfer onto Mar. Who slowly fell to his knees, smoke slowly coming from his back.


Two hours had passed since Mar and Kalas had begun their spar, they were all now sitting in a cafe each sipping their coffee lightly.

"Hey... I don't get this... Mar isn't as fast as Weiss but he was able to block you easily.... How?" Yang asked confused as to what had happened.

Kalas smiled and took out a white board and a marker from his coat pockets,"Alright think of it as this in reality i am no faster than Weiss the only difference is the acceleration. I just speed up much faster than her causing me to vanish in human eyes, as well as Faunus eyes. The thing is that when i do so i cannot control the direction i move, i can only go in a straight line," he said as in the white board he drew a stick figure that represented him, as well as a dashed line towards another stick figure that represented Mar," you see though i moved faster i cannot change my direction." He said calmly.

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