The Journey

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Aphmau, Travis, and Aaron wanted answers on what had happened in the past and what happened to there real parents. So they said good bye for now until they had answers. Then they started on their journey. A few days later they found a small village. The village was named Phoenix Drop the small place where Lady Irene was before the battle. Then Aphmau discovered that a lot of people kept calling her "Irene" but she wasn't. She was wondering why the villagers was calling her that, so the asked. She found out that she looked exactly like Irene herself. Aaron and Travis was just looking around to see if they could find a place to sleep for the night. The next morning, Aphmau as helping the village built and work on some new buildings for some visitors if they came Phoenix Drop or not. Then Aphmau became the lord of the village for helping out when the villagers needed it the most. Now Aaron and Travis have to listen to Aphmau the Lord of Phoenix Drop sometimes. One day Aaron and Travis went hunting for some food, but then they saw two guards named Garroth and Laurance, they were the only two guards that took their job seriously. Aaron and Travis didn't bother them at all. Later a big explosion from the wall that surrounded the entire village. All the villagers, guards, and the lord rushed over to see what had happened, but then they saw a women dressed in a white cloths and had a staff. Aphmau knew who it was, it was their cousin Lucinda the White witch. When the villagers heard the word "witch" they screamed. Aphmau knew how to handle this, so she got everyone's attention and explained everything. She told them that Lucinda was a good witch and has been protecting her people in the snow lands from wolves and bandits. Lucinda was happy when she found her cousins Aphmau, Aaron, and Travis. Lucinda was Hydia's sister's daughter thats how thet were family. Then they talked for a bit and got to know each other more. They all went for a walk into the forest nearby. Lucinda then figured out why she came to Phoenix Drop. She had a quest to go on and she needed help so Lucinda asked if Aphmau, Aaron, and Travis could come with her to stop a very powerful warlock. When they had the chance to think about it, and they didn't mind helping a friend out even if they were a witch or not.

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