New Story Idea

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Hey guys,sorry for not updating much.I kinda lost my account after my s*n of a b*tch brother deleted my Wattpad.

Ever wonder the in RWBY,there's combat school yet there's people about the same age as Ruby,Weiss and others yet they're not combat-able,just like us normal students?

I got the idea of Ozpin sending some team like RWBY or JNPR to normal high school as to enjoy what normal is like for a year? I think.

Imagine it,guys.Ruby winning all the race competition.Weiss still getting A+ in so so many random test,Blake just chillin' or dumb random guys hitting on Yang and got their ass kicked! All while they stay in a normal high school!!

What do you guys think about this? Comment down or PM me about it 'cuz I was thinking of writing as a new story.Im kinda in a writers block about my other stories.

As for my apology,enjoy this picture of MANIAC WEISS!!

Credits to whoever drew it 'cuz I found it in Pinterest

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Credits to whoever drew it 'cuz I found it in Pinterest


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