"You promised not to kill him! Why did you kill him?!" Selena cried as the killer dragged her onto the stage. The killer threw her into the stage by her hair and said "when do killers ever keep their promises?"
"He was the love of my life! Who..who will love me now?!" She cried and the killer stood there, not knowing what to do. "Have you ever been in love?" She asked and the killer said "this is not about my love life!"
"Yeah..I guess. I just thought....well I mean we are still young. Not everyone finds their true love early on." She said and the killer said "how do you know I'm young?"
"Random guess?"
The killer grabbed rope and started to tie Selena's hands together. "What are you doing? Did I make you mad?!" She said, scared and angry. The killer punched her in the stomach and said "shut up!"
"No! I won't! I may be dumb but..." but the killer punched her in the face and knocked her out.
"What the fuck?!" Shelby said as she walked up. "She was pissing me off!" The killer said and tightened the ropes around Selena's wrists. "So? You don't knock them out!" She said and the killer said "just go and pull the ropes up. We are going to have some fun."
"What does that mean?"
"You know."
"What? Like rip her open and gut her?"
"Your fucking gross! We are not going to gut her alive!" Shelby shouted and the killer said "so? I don't care!"
Shelby turned away from him and said "you killed Michael?!"
"Yeah, how do you think I got Selena here."
"What the fuck did you do? Hang him?"
"Yes. I messed with his friends for a bit."
"This was not part of the plan! Why are you changing it?" Shelby shouted and the killer laughed. "Because I can! This is my revenge! I will kill who I want and anyway I want!" They yelled. "And I wanted revenge too! But gutting them alive, hanging them! What the hell?!" Shelby said, with tears in her eyes.
"You gone soft. What you feel bad for them?" They asked and Shelby said "I haven't gone soft. I killed some also. But the way your murdering them is wrong."
"You know I hate that word murder!" They shouted and they grabbed Shelby by the neck. "Do what I fucking say or I will kill you."
"Okay..." Shelby choked out and the killer dropped her. "Now pull the ropes and tire them. We are doing this my way."
Shelby ran to the ropes and started to pull. She stopped when they shouted at her to stop and tired the ropes. "I'm so sorry Selena." She whispered.
Vanessa sat in a small Conor of the computer room and Lily walked over. "Hey." She said and sat down in front of her. "I can't believe what I did. I let him die." Vanessa said, holding back tears. "Vanessa, it's ok. You were scared.""It was still wrong! He could have lived!" She cried and Lily hugged her. "And Michael died too....I know he was with Selena...but I still loved him. I thought we would have another chance...now we don't." Vanessa said and cried harder. "I loved him and we broke up. And I was angry and I pushed him away when he wanted to fix our relationship. But I was to selfish and he picked Selena...now he's..." Vanessa took a breath and said "and now he's dead...."
"It's hard for all of us. But harder for you." Lily said and Lily moved some hair out of Vanessa's face. "I'm a bad Person." She said. "We are going to survive and then we will honor Michael. And take down those fuckers who are killing us off one by one." Lily said and Vanessa smiled. "Hell yeah!" She said.
"Are they any other survivors?" Lucy asked as she walked down the hallway with a kid named Paul, Mandy and Jacob. They been trapped in the school for hours and they lost some people on the way. But somehow they survived."How do we know if there is other survivors!" Mandy said and they made it to the computer room. "Oh my god!" Lucy screamed at the body of Kyle. "Is that Kyle?" Jacob said and Lucy nodded. "He's dead." Mandy cried.
"There must be other people in the computer room." Paul said and knocked on the door. A fave popped up and the face said "it's Jacob, Paul, Lucy and Mandy!"
"Let us in." Paul said and they heard a chair move. Then the door unlock and the door opened. "Hurry!" Ariana said and they rushed in. They locked the door and Harry turned to them. "You been in here the whole time?" He asked and they nodded. "There was a lot of people who got stuck. A lot have died." Mandy said. "They are killing you too?" Ariana asked and they nodded.
"So their targeting everyone?" Ariana said and Jimmy ran to the window. "There's some bodies outside." He said. "Oh my god!" Lucy said, covering her face.
"Was anyone with you who kept sneaking away?" Jimmy asked. "Why?"
"Maybe they are the killer."
"They couldn't be. Why would they be so scared then?"
"It's a thing called acting!" Vanessa said and Mandy glared at her. "What about your group?" she asked and Lily said "Shelby was one. She's working with the killer."
"Shelby? Little wimpy Shelby?" Lucy laughed and Dove glared at her. "She locked us in here. The doors were open and she locked us in!"
"Like I would believe that! Shelby couldn't even kill a bug!" Lucy said and Lily shook her head. "believe what you want. We know Shelby is one of the killers."
"How could she be?! She's weak!"
"She's helping the killer. She have not killer anyone, but she's helping him or her."
"You think it's a her?" Lucy said and Lily said "it could be anyone for all we know!"
Before anyone could answer. All the computers turned on and all they saw was Selena, wrists tied and screaming.
Next the killer stepped into few and said "If you want to save her, come on!"
"Oh hell no! Fuck Selena!" Mandy said and Vanessa stood up. "You want more people to die?! For more people to end up like Sara or Kyle!" She shouted and Mandy said "As long as it's not me then yes!"

A Step To Far
Mystery / ThrillerLily finally decided to attend the party that students hold every year at her school. It's her senior year, so why not? But what she didn't expect was that people were going to die one by one. And she didn't know someone she thought she could trust...