twenty one: kidnapped

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This is an extra long chapter because I will be gone tomorrow. <3 Back on Saturday, though! /bella


I closed my eyes. 

He used his thumb and index finger to hold my chin, very gently. 

For a moment, his lips hovered - I could feel they were there, just not pressing. 

And then, we were kissing. 

Lightly at first and then much deeper. And just as I was about to explode, he leaned his forehead against mine. Our cheeks touching, breathing on each other, my hand on his heart.

I could feel him smiling against my skin. "Mmmm," I sighed, floating. 

"Mmmm," he agreed, kissing my nose, my jaw, the corner of my mouth. 

"Muh No!" Levi shouted. He so rarely said anything that we both turned in surprise. 

"Big emergency! He's out of strawberries," Jeb laughed, realizing what was causing the problem. 

As he dug into the box for more, I got a text.

I read it, disbelieving. 

"What is it?" Jeb asked, holding Levi in his lap and being Levi's 'extra arm' since the one in the cast was obviously tired. 

"My mom," I looked up and met his eyes. 

"What does she want?"

"For me to come to church tomorrow."

"Did she say why?"

"Just that she...let me read it: Alicia, your father (she means Garth and she knows I hate when she does that) and I would like you to join the family at Church tomorrow morning for the blessing. Matthew 5:43-45. That's..."

"Love your enemy, right?."

"Why, Mr. Jeb, were you a churchgoing boy? I'm surprised!" I smiled at him. 

"Well, I don't exactly have the Bible memorized," he shrugged. "But I know the headlines."

Behind me, all the previews and cartoons had finished and the movie began. I settled in next to Jeb and Levi on the sleeping bag. 

"What time's church?"




"OK, let's go."

"I don't think..."

"Lonnie will be there, right?"

I nodded.

"You want to go?"

"Ummm. Well, I want to know what she wants."

"She's your mom. No matter what. I get that, you know? I always know where my mom is, even if I can't be near her."

I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I want to go."

"Then we'll all go. Power in numbers. And that's part of the deal, right? Being each other's person?"

"I guess," I watched the big movie screen but didn't really pay attention. 

We gave up on the second movie when the mosquitoes started breaching our defenses in waves and headed back to the cabin. I carried Levi to bed while Jeb gathered up all the stuff and cleaned up. 

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