"Ryan, your overreacting!" Emily shouted at her boyfriend, who in fact had started this argument. Since Nick Benson's threat, the FBI had rolled out agents to watch over Emily. Two would follow her everywhere she went, two sat outside Firehouse 51 since they had also been a part of the treat. Will had an agent with him most of the time at Med, and Jay was also being followed by an agent. But Emily had grown tired and frustrated at the two agents following her during the day, so she gave them the slip. It was now safe to say that Ryan wasn't impressed at this. "I'm an agent myself, for fuck sake. I don't need to be babysat all day!" She continued shouting as she walked from the living room to the kitchen.
"The Director has requested this! It's come from Cruz. We are trying to keep you safe!" Ryan yelled back at her. "You know that its the only way to keep you safe. The same thing was done for Hotch when the Reaper came after him!" He shouted, trying to get the point across that everything was to keep her alive. Not to inconvenience her life. But, as usual Emily Halstead was just being stubborn.
"And look how that turned out!" Emily shouted, referencing to what the Reaper had done. "Foyet still managed to kill Hayley! He killed her while her son was in the house, Ryan. You need to except that if whoever it is that is coming for me wants to kill me. Then, it wont matter if I have agents tailing me all day. Hotch and the team are on this. I trust them! It's time you do to!" Emily said, throwing a cup into the sink only for it to smash under the force of her throw.
"Your stressing me out Em! Just accept that your going to have agents around you all the time. I'm going for a drink" Ryan told her as calmly as he could muster, before picking up his coat and leaving for Molly's. Sick of having the same conversation/argument with her over and over again. Even Jay and Will couldn't get through to her, they're conversations with their sister lead to her telling them that they shouldn't be getting involved with Federal business. This just pissed Ryan off more, knowing that she just couldn't be reasoned with. As Ryan arrived at Molly's the place was humming with noise and excitement. At the bar, Gabby was serving so he took this opportunity to talk to his girlfriend's best friend.
"Hey" Gabby said, greeting Ryan with a smile on her face. "Beer?" She asked, to which Ryan just nodded back as Gabby wondered over to the other side of the bar, pulling him a pint and then delivering it to him. "Where's Em?" Gabby asked, taking some money off Ryan as she looked around the bar for her best friend who she felt was over due to chat with.
"She's at home, probably breaking plates" Ryan told Gabby who just looked at him with a confused look on her face, so Ryan explained. "She ditched her protective detail today, and now she doesn't think she needs them around her. I've told her that we are trying to protect her but she's not getting any of this through her thick skull ..."
"That's my best friend your talking about" Gabby said, in a warning tone. Ryan sighed.
"Sorry, she's just doing my head in at the moment. Jay, Will and I have all spoken to her but we can't get her to understand that she needs the protection now" Ryan said, stopping for a moment to have a sip of his drink. '"Will you talk to her?" He pleaded with Gabby who just laughed.
"You think she'll listen to me?" Gabby asked, still laughing a little. Gabby knew that out of everyone, Emily would listen to Severide. "I know who she will listen to" She told Ryan, pulling out her phone and calling Severide. Telling him everything that Ryan had told her and asking him to talk to her, for a moment Severide was resistant to talk to her - but then he realised that keeping her safe was more important than how he felt about her. So he agreed. As Ryan sat with Gabby, thanking her for what she was doing - Severide left his apartment and walked over to Emily's house. Knocking on her door and waiting a moment before she answered the door.
"Hey" Severide said to her, holding in a smile that was threatening to escape on his face. "Can we talk for a minute?" He asked, Emily opened the door - not saying a word. "All honest and all serious?"
"Okay" Emily answered not understanding what was even going on.
"Gabby rang me, did you really send your protective detail away?" He asked her, taking a seat on her couch and watching as she sat down on the armchair near him before answering.
"I didn't actually send them away, I ditched them in Med when I went to see Will" Emily said, Severide laughed at this causing Emily to laugh a little.
"You do get that they are there to keep you safe, right?" Severide asked, still laughing. Emily nodded. "Well, why did you ditch them then?" He asked.
"I can protect myself" Emily said.
"So? Emily, no one wants you to die. Okay. Jay and Will don't want to lose their sister. Gabby doesn't want to lose her friend. And I'm sure Kyle doesn't want to lose his mom" Severide said, his eyes never leaving hers. As he spoke, Emily could feel a pain in her chest telling her that he was right.
"What about you?" She asked.
"What about me?" He returned, already knowing what she meant but he wasn't going to say it if he didn't have to.
"Why do you care what happens to me?" She asked, looking at him directly in the eyes. They both kept eye contact for a few moments before Severide answered the question.
"Because I don't want to lose you either" Severide said, not wanting to say anything else. Instead he stood up and walked to the front door. "Just think about it, okay?" He said, Emily nodded. After he left Emily thought about what he said, and he was right. She didn't want to die either, so in that moment she picked up her phone and called Ryan. After a few rings he finally answered.
"I wont ditch my detail again" Emily said, on the other end of the phone Ryan smiled - knowing that whoever Gabby had gotten to talk to Emily had actually been able to get through to her. And for this, he was extremely grateful.

Forever Chicago (Chicago Fire 2)
Romance"The way he looked at you. I got it then. He loved you, and it was killing him"