This chapter is for kingbey81
"yo man don't touch her"
"Why what are you gonna do about it"
"Okay I'm gonna ask you to let her go one more time and it's gonna get ugly"
"Well I don't care"
He started to walk away and she was staring at me. I think I really like this girl.
"Yo Bean......Chris"
"Were on it"
I didn't have time to fight this fool I'll take care of him later but my two bodyguards got him. I walked over and took Beyoncé's hand.
"I'll deal with you later"
"Not before I do"
I walked out with Beyoncé and we walked to my car. And I opened her door and closed it when she got in then I went to my side.
"Do you wanna go home Beyoncé"
"Please call me bey and no that's the first place they'll look can you take me to my moms house"
"Sure thing bey"
I drove on the highway but I had no intensions of taking her home.
"Are you hungry"
"You have no idea"
"Okay restaurant at three in the morning or diner"
"Diner" she smiled
I drove to the diner and we took our seats.
"So who was that at the club"
"That was Anthony marks best friend after mark died and me and Rihanna left he came looking for riha because he thought she killed him"
"Did she"
"Then how did he die"
"Well since I was his girlfriend and I was also a prostitute he thought I only messed with him and he thought I was his personal dancer but I wasn't he killed the guy I was messing with at that moment and he came after me so I had to shoot him"
"Anthony knows that you did it"
"Yes and they had a code when one dies they have to find his killer and kill them and if it's a women they must rape her and abuse her because they don't kill women"
"I'm sorry I had to make you step back in memory lane."
"It's fine"
"Bey I want you to come to my house and stay there for a while so I can protect you"
"Shawn I can't do that your not gonna have a easy life with me in it"
"What do you mean easy"
"Well there are people looking for me I have crazy family that are gonna worry about me I can't allow you to watch over me 24/7"
"I want to please let me just be my girlfriend move in I really like you I wanna keep you safe I won't be able to live if something happens to you"
Is bey gonna say yes.....I won't make u wait to long and if you are then tell me .....and I wrote this chapter for a special someone your welcome I want you to read my other stories too just go on my page and add my other stories to your library I hope this is what you wanted to read and if not I'll delete this chapter and I'll remake it with no problem vote comment later guys!!!!!!