Chapter 3

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The three musketeers led the siblings though the town once again, until they entered a building that seemed to be some kind of bar. "Welcome to our beloved tavern!!" Porthos exclaimed, earning a multiple of chuckled at his clear extreme joy; they all ordered their drinks and sat down at a table. All four men had wine of course, whilst Kayley stuck with a glass of orange juice - she was fourteen after all. "So what's it like being a musketeer?? And having Treville as a captain??" D'artagnan asked after gulping down some of his beverage that the bar maid had just brought over; the three slightly older men thought for a moment " ones ever actually asked that before" Aramis admitted, amusing the brother and sister. "I guess you could say it's an honour, people trust you to keep them safe" he explained; Athos took a swig of his wine "getting to serve the King and Queen is an honour in itself...we wouldn't have it any other way". Agreeing, Porthos added "and Treville is an amazing man, he cared for all of us and the cadets...but he'll come down on you like a ton of bricks if needs be" they chuckled at that; they each knew that, including the siblings "I'll remember to tell him that" Kayley joked. The bear like man chuckled as he turned the tables "what about you two?? What's it like having Treville as an uncle?? Or like one at least??" he asked; much like the three brothers-in-arms, the brother and sister had to stop and think momentarily "not too different from you I guess" D'artagnan assumed "he cares for us deeply, but when and if he has to, he'll come down on you like a thunderstorm" the teenager agreed "it's his way of showing he cares and that he worried about you".

All of a sudden, a group of men in black and red uniforms could be seen entering the tavern; it earned three groans of annoyance which the siblings instantly noticed. "Who are they??" D'artagnan asked as he nodded his head towards the group; Athos signed "Red Guards, some of the Cardinal's men". Porthos couldn't help but roll his eyes "a bunch of bastards!! The lot of em!!" he grunted - Kayley raised a brow at his reaction; Aramis nudged his friend "language my friend, we have a child with us". That one statement earned my a hard glare from the girl "I'm not a child!! And I've heard worse!!" she insisted, making the men chuckle; it was her brother's turn to roll his eyes "easy now" he attempted to calm her "you're fourteen, not twenty". They each watched as the Red Guards ordered their drinks and found themselves a table, not even trying to keep it down "so why don't you like the Red Guards?? Aren't you guys the same??" Kayley asked, only for Athos to shake his head "the Red Guards fight for themselves, they'll hurt others for no reason and turn people who need help away" he explained "we help people and serve out King and Queen" his brothers-in-arms agreed. "That and the Cardinal hates us musketeers, even the cadets" Aramis added "especially Treville" well none of that sounded good. 

Paying the Guards no attention was difficult, even when they turned away to chat and drink; one of the Red Guards could be seen and heard trying it on with one of the bar maids, but she wasn't having none of it!! So after telling him to leave her alone three times, the woman slapped him across the face. Everyone in the tavern watched as the guard grabbed the woman by her wrist, his grip clearly painfully tight; it seemed he was about to hit her!! The musketeers couldn't just sit and watch now, could they?? Standing up with his two friends, Athos called out "I wouldn't do that if I were you" he warned; the guard didn't release the woman but he hadn't hit her either. "And why not?! What you gonna do musketeer?!" by the way he was slurring his words, it was more than clear he was drunk - light weight; Aramis spoke up this time "it's rude to hit a lady, didn't anyone ever tell you that!!". Surprisingly, the guard let go of the bar maid, who thanked the musketeers before rushing away, as his friends all stood up from their seats; they were trying to come across as intimidating but it didn't work of course. The two siblings nodded to one another before standing next to their new found friends; as soon as the guards caught sight of the teen girl, they all burst out in fits of laughter. "You're got a little girl fighting for you?! Whoa!!" the leader laughed "the musketeers really are pathetic!!" one of them spat; D'artagnan couldn't contain his smirk "you're really gonna regret saying that". The three musketeers looked at the young man, along with the Red Guards "oh yeah?? And why's that?? She ain't gonna do jack shit" the brother said nothing more, only wearing his smirk which seemed to confuse everyone in the room. Kayley, on the other hand, was not as amused as her older brother; her glare was once again strong as she drew her sword - her sword that no one had noticed that she had - and aimed it at the big mouthed guard's throat. All eyes widened "say that again...I dare you" her voice was so calm was rather terrifying actually; all of the Red Guards shared a look "you're asking for a death wish kid....turn around whilst you still can". The leader was the one at the other end of Kayley's sword "why?? Scared you'll get hurt??" she asked, a smirk slowly forming on her lips "or'll be beaten by a - as you said - little girl??" she asked.

No one moved an inch until the leader finally reacted grasping his sword violently and continued to attempt to attack the teenager; he wasn't quick enough. Kayley blocked the attack with ease "that all you got??" now she couldn't help but smirk. Everyone in the tavern was shocked from what they were witnessing, including the three musketeers; no one knew of a female wielding a sword...or any weapon for that matter!! The guard growled as he continued to throw his attacks at the girl, slicing and jabbing as much as he could; every single attempt was blocked with no problem!! Within a few minutes, Kayley became bored of the mans pathetic attempts to either harm or kill her and decided to end the fight; she threw her own attack, strong, trained and powerful - it equalled with the guard landing on his backside. Before he could climb back to his feet, the teen aimed her weapon at his neck once again "never underestimate your opponent, it could get you killed" and with that, Kayley stepped back and withdrew her sword. The entire tavern suddenly erupted into cheers, claps and whistles - all but the Red Guards of course, who picked up their leader and rushed out of the building. Smiling, Kayley jokingly bowed before returning to her seat; her brother still wore his smirk "show off" they laughed. The three musketeers all had wide eyes " can fight?!" Aramis exclaimed in shock whilst his bear like friend let out a deep laugh - even Athos seemed incredibly surprised and interested by their new discovery. "But how?! No one would teach a girl of your age to fight!!" Athos stated, quickly adding "no offence" the teenager understood of course and waved it off before her brother began to explain. "Our father wanted me to learn how to fight" he began "so when he began to teach and train me, Kayley would watch" the man sent his sister a smile at the memories "our father saw how she seemed to take such an interest in fighting and duelling that she decided that there was no harm in allowing her to join in with the lessons, and what do you know?? She's a bloody natural!!" the girl shrugged "can't help talent" she joked. It earned a few laughs. "You're really good, I recon you could take Athos in a fight" Aramis stated, earning a multiple of raised brows "I don't know, I'm still teaching D'artagnan here" Kayley informed. Her brother rolled his eyes as the musketeers became confused once again; it was more than clear so the man explained "I...I can't beat Kayley in a fight yet" he informed "but I am getting better!! I nearly beat her the other day in a duel!!". His sister agreed with a grin "you are, and you would have beat me if you hadn't tripped up over that log".

After drinking and speaking for a few more hours, the siblings decided to call it a night; they bid the three musketeers good night before leaving the tavern. They made their way through the town and back to the Inn - after the day they've had, they needed some sleep. As for Porthos and Aramis, they decided to do the same thing an hour later; they bid their nightly farewells to their friend before leaving. Athos, on the other hand, stayed at the tavern a lot longer then most, until he was rather drunk. He paid for what he had drunk before leaving; he stayed at the same Inn as the siblings, only three doors down.

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