{ Akino's bio }

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Akino is mostly masculine, but also has a feminine side. Most people don't expect him to be gay, unless he's caught making another flower crown. He is a white tailed buck with dark brown fur and white speckles across his face like freckles, a white ring around his muzzle above his nose and white underbelly, some white fur on his neck and has forest green eyes. His antlers size (not his dick) is 150 inches, 13 inches apart. Since he's Canadian, Akino usually likes to wear red and black paid shirts, dark coloured sweaters (preferably oversized), but his favourite sweater is a dark dull red, he also likes a nice pair of jeans as long as they're ripped and/or dark coloured. His choice of shoes mostly consist of converses or combats. Akino may be manly, but he is also quite shy, especially when it comes to awkward subject matter. He is a nature lover/protector and is somewhat timid. He has a quite deep voice that gets lighter when talking to strangers or his crush. He is an awkward flirter and can blush quite easily, he is usually the one to set paces in relationships. Akino is 23 years old with a bit of a taller height of 6"05 ft. His body type is quite skinny but is made up for due to his decently ripped body.

Akino is pansexual and his type of guys that he prefers are usually either jocks with a polite or somewhat cocky personality or dominant gays with a funny or interesting personality. His type in females and other genders are either the dominant type or the shy innocent type like he is. He enjoys cafes, fields especially if it's filled with flowers, exercising and walking, reading books and creating things weather it be painting, writing, crafting flowers crowns or even cooking. In his spare time, he sketches, writes an entry in his journal and sings in his room, an somewhat impressive singer with a voice that smoothing hits most notes. The genre of music he listens to are usually light metal, edgy music, or songs that have deep yet simple meanings (Like Fireflies by Owl City, or motivational or sad raps with a calming beat like Sweaters by Ivan B). Akino likes sweet and sour foods, sometimes he likes spicy, depends on how spicy. He too occasionally to rarely visits clubs and raves. He enjoys colder temperatures than warmer. When Akino is drunk, he is the kind of drunk that will dance until he passes out. Sometimes he'll even wake up without his shirt and/or pissed pants.

Akino dislikes people who try too hard to flirt with him without offering his personality or a date, bitter foods, being unmotivated and lazy, fast food restaurants, and being disturbed or stressed out. He also hates it when people bug him for making flower crowns, he enjoys doing it because it's a hobby that calms him down from anger or stress, it's also peaceful, quiet and time consuming. Akino gets annoyed that people only like him for his looks or the fact that he's ripped. He never was a big fan of pink, in fact he can almost say he hates it, but he has low exceptions of specific shades such as dark pinks, reddish pinks and sometimes light, but never bright or pepto bismol/bubblegum pink. He hates loud noises because they make him tense or somewhat frightened, but music and cheering are exceptions. Lastly, Akino tries to avoid horror related things such as images and genre of shows.

When Akino was in grade school, a shorter fawn, he was. He has gotten along with people in school well, but sometimes he would get bullied for picking flowers, playing with the girls' hair and being so quiet and somewhat antisocial. He was also very shy so he only had 1 or 2 friends. He didn't enjoy trucks and cars as much as the other boys did, but he did like playing pretend and exploring far past the playground area, he sometimes would climb trees but he has had incidents of scraping himself, falling down and getting in trouble for it. He was never the rebellious type, but as a kid, he would do anything for adventure. He had adrenaline in his veins for many years that kept him active and adventurous. Akino, for years, would lay on the hill just to watch the clouds go by or point out the different shapes his mind could imagine them. His high school years weren't as peachy as his grade school years. The boys in high school bullied him as well, but instead of just pointing out flaws, they would call him names and push him around until he cried or his antlers snap off. His parents were also quite aggressive with him, sometimes his father would get drunk and they never supported gay people.

Despite the dark times, Akino stays somewhat determined and optimistic everyday, he now lives on his own in a Canadian forest in a wooden cabin in an uncommon area. But again, this story takes place in a different era. Akino, in this story will be 20, classified as a college student since he was about to attend college for a bachelor's degree since art seemed to be his advantage.

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