Job (3)

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After a 30 minute walk, Zelda was at her own house. Because it was a Friday, she had the weekend off before having to go back to school and think about the English project. It also meant that she could think in general.

She heard that in Link's conversation with the teacher that he was talking about physically not being able to talk. He knew that she was in the room, yet it seemed that her being there didn't bother him. By what was said, it seemed that that was the first time he had spoken to that teacher.

That week was so insane for both Link and Zelda alike. Link had said more words in school than he had in the past few years, and Zelda was there every time it had happened. She wasn't aware of that though, and thought that she just didn't notice that he talked sometimes.

Once home, Zelda's Mum greeted her politely.

"Zelda! Hi darling, how was your day?" She said at the door, almost like she was waiting for Zelda to come home.

"Hi... Are you okay?" Zelda said, taking her satchel off and hanging it over the banister. "Besides, why aren't you at work?" She asked.

Zelda's Mum worked as a psychologist at her school and dealt with students that had any issues. Luckily, her office seemed empty other than her most of the time. Zelda often left her lunch in the office and visited to pick it up at lunch, and she never saw anyone in there other than her own mother.

"I've been let off early when I've no appointments. I've been home for a few hours" She said whilst sitting down with Zelda on the couch.

"Okay... Cool. I'm going to bed. It's been a long day" Zelda said as she got off the couch and started walking upstairs, but going slowly as she was tired.

"Wait, Zelda"

"What is it?" She sighed.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, you seem tired. Just... Have an open mind, yeah?" Her Mum said, smiling reassuringly.

"Um... Okay?" Zelda carried on trotting up the stairs, not thinking twice about what her mother had said.

She went to bed early and slept like a rock, not thinking twice about anything as she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The next morning, Zelda's Mum was still acting really strange. She constantly had the same expression on her face with everything she said and she had breakfast all made and set out on the table.

"Seriously, what in Hyrule is wrong with you recently?" Zelda said as she sat at the table, and still getting ready to eat despite complaining.

"Nothing. Well, there's something that I need to talk to you about. A favour" Her Mum replied sipping on her coffee.

"Okay. You did mention something yesterday. What is it?" Zelda asked.

"Shoot, look at the time! I need to go. I'm meeting your father. We're going to be out 'till late, so I promise I'll talk to you tomorrow!" She rushed off.

"Um... Bye then!"

*The next day*

"Zelda!" Her Mum called down rather early on the Sunday morning. Zelda had only just woken up.

"What? It's too early" Zelda yawned, meeting her Mum in the kitchen.

"It's 10 am. You better get ready if you want to be there on time"

"Be where? I was planning on staying inside and practicing for this stupid English thing all weekend" She lied.

"Don't tell me you forgot!" She dropped her handbag on the counter.

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