Sunkit was born into the shattered souls clan. Everyone was harsh and mean, soon she started training at 3 moons old... One night she had a nightmare and when she told her leader she got punished for the leader thought she was useless and didn't believe her. Soon chaos fell upon them. A rival clan just as evil as them came. Everyone fought even the kits. Most died some ran some stayed and lived but were very wounded. Sunkit ran for her life, and has been running since she was 3 moons. She learned on her own how to hunt and kill and also about herbs, But what she didn't know was her dreams she didn't know what they were so she never really thought anything about it. Sunkit was kind and gave her food to someone else if they needed it more. She was happy snd yet not happy that her clan was hurt and pained, but she didn't go back for she hated being harsh, cold, and mean. After many many moons up until she was 5 moons she came upon another clan The CoraggiosoClan. She found the leader Ratstar and asked to join the good clan and Ratstar let her join, And thats how she got here to this wonderful clan!
This isn't really my best but it basically covers her past so ya...