song does not belong to me
Him's Story: Be Mine.
I woke up, almost summer end of the school year. I got her number, so happy. She's beautiful I tell you, if you don't know. Me and her have been talking after that first day when I got beat up, uh! she texted me. Damn that bright phone light.
Hey whats wrong?
My step-dad hit me again, bad.
Should I call 911?
Nah I'll be fine, I can take a few punches.
You can only take so much tho..
I know I'll be fine, wanna hang out by the old hanging tree tonight?
Sure time?
Got it.
Cya there
I got dressed and waited around my room until midnight, once it hit the 12 am mark I bolted out of the house and down to the old hanging tree. Yes there's a hanging tree used by people way back when to hang killers. Its the most beautiful sight at midnight. Forgot my beanie. Anyway, I head out and there she was sitting at the highest branch of the tree looking up at the stars, god she's so pretty..
"Oh hey"
I climbed up and sat next to her, I love her so much. Be mine please...

Him. Her. They.
Short StoryPartly true love story between two emo kids. "I noticed Him, I looked into his big blue eyes and saw hope in this fucked up world.."