Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Ciara's P.O.V

The third time I heard Trae's phone ring, I had to either throw it out the window or pick it up. So I picked it up and to my surprise I

heard a mans voice coming from the other end.

Phone conversation:


??:"who's this ?"

Me:"Ciara, who this?"

??:"Raymond, Trae there?"

Me:"yea, but he's asleep right now"

Raymond:"aight, thank you"

Me:"okay bye"


End of phone conversation

Now I couldn't go to sleep, so I turned on the Tv and watched Martin Reruns on BET until I knocked out.

I woke up to hearing Trae on the phone.

Trae:"yea, you on your way?......aight......later"

Me:"some guy named Raymond called you earlier" I said as I stretched

Trae:"yea I know, I just was talking to him"

Me:"you hungry?"

Trae:"you wanna go out to eat?"

Me:"where you wanna go?"

Trae:" I could eat some Dunkin Dounuts"

Me:"fine with me"

I did my hygiene thing, and off we were to Dunkin Donuts.


We ordered and took our seats at the outside tables, which was beautiful because it was hot and the sun was shining.

Trae:"bae, I was thinking we took a little vacation"


Trae:"where you want to go?"

Me:"I always wanted to go to an island"

Trae:"so what? Like the Bahamas "

Me:"you got Bahamas money?"

Trae:"don't worry about that, I stay with money"

I laughed "so we're go to the Bahamas"

Trae:"iight, next week"

Me:"Next week? You sure you don't have anything to take care of?"

Trae:"don't worry bout that, it's all good"

Me:"okay, then next week"

We talked some more before we headed back home.

We pulled in the driveway and got out the car.

I opened the front door then the metal door, that really lead to the house.

I took of my shoes and crashed on the couch.

Trae sat next to me so I crawled on his lap and we watched Tv.

Me:"babe, you want kids?" I asked while I traced his tattoos on his arms.

Trae:"I do,"

Me:"how many?"

Trae:"4 sons"

Me:"4? "


Me:"you don't want girls?"


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Trae:"they a lot of work"

After moments of silence he asked again

Trae:"you gon have my 4 sons?"

Smiling to myself I strutted my shoulders.

Trae:"what you mean you don't know?" He smirked

Me:"it depends on you, playa" I laughed

Trae:"I ain't no playa"

Me:"sure" I said sarcastically

I got up because I heard the doorbell rang.

I opened both doors and there stood a dark skin, handsome guy.

"Trae there?" He asked

"Umm, Trae. The door"

Trae appeared next to me

Trae:"what up nigga" he pulled the dark skin man into a hug.

Him and Trae walked in, I closed the doors then sat on the couch .

Trae:"long time no see"

"I know, you been ghost"

Trae:"nah, you know I just gotta switch it up."

"Yea, you was a lot of niggas target."

Trae:"them hating ass niggas can't stand to see a nigga grow, you feel me?"


Trae:"my bad, this is Ciara, Ciara this is my boy Raymond"


Raymond:"what up"

Trae:"so what you trynna do"

Raymond:"that fool, Trayvon out I heard"


Raymond:"where he at?"

Trae:"at his girl house, he was suppose to be moving in"


Trae:"so what you moved out here "

Raymond:"I hope I could find something"

At this point I was walking out the front door.

Trae:" bae, where you going?"

Me:"I'ma go check on my mom"


I got in my car and drove over to my mom house.

I pulled into her driveway and walked up the porch stairs.

I pulled out the keys and opened the front door.

I went up to her room and she was still sleeping. I didn't want to wake her.

I waited 30 minutes before her eyes flew open. I guessed I startled her because she jumped when she saw me.

Me:"hey mom, how you feelin?"

Mom:"I'm doing good, where your boyfriend"

Me:"home," I said with a cracking voice

Seeing my mom this way, was slowly breaking me down.

Mom:"don't start that crying"

Me:"I can't help it"

Mom:"you just think about the future to much"

Me:"I don't want to lose you."

Mom:"it'll be alright"

Me:"I hope so" I said whipping away my tears

Mom:"honey, I want you to know about your dad"

I was shock she bought the situation up, we haven't talked about him since the day he left. She always avoided it.

Me:"what about him?"

Mom:" there's a lot, I want you to talk to him."

Me:"you want me to talk to him?"

Mom:"yea, don't worry he still asks for you"

Me:"how? You still see him"

Mom:"no but he calls once in a blue"

Me:"why haven't you told me. I've been thinking he didn't care about me"

Mom:"don't blame him blame me. I kept you away from him"


Mom:"when me and your father first met, we was in love completely. Never wanted to leave each other's side. But when you were born,

he acted different. He never came home, he would go out with his friends to all types of clubs.Then he started doing drugs. Not that

light stuff neither, he did the heavy stuff. You know Crack, and heroine. I couldn't take that no more at all. So I kicked him out and put

a restraining order against him on him. Followed by a divorce,For the next years he went to rehab, you know got cleaned up and know

he has a family of his own and, hopefully is doing the right thing."

Me:" so you lied to me all these years about him leaving us for another family?"

Mom:"what was I suppose to tell you! he was a drug addict."

She did have a point,but still saying he left us for another family was foul.

Me:"so how am I suppose to get in contact with him.

Mom:"you still got that piece of paper I gave you the other day?"


Mom:"that has his address on it, you can go visit him."


Mom:"whenever your ready"

I felt my phone vibrate

Text message:

Trae: babe you coming home Leslie here, she annoying as hell

So I turned to my mom and kissed her forehead

"I gotta get home" I said walking to the door

Mom:"I love you

Me:"I love you to


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