Chapter 14

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Amaya's POV
Kabir seemed angry
I wonder why
'Hey what's wrong ?'
I asked but he continued to glare at me
'Kabir why are you so angry?'
He chuckled humourlessly
I was confused
'Enough Amaya ...I know you hated me ...but I thought you had started to let go of that hatred but I was wrong you hate me more than before ...'
He put a hand to stop me
'If you hated me or had a problem with me you could have told me ....'
'What the heck are you talking about ?'
I exclaimed frustrated from his outburst
'Please I don't have time for any drama '
'What have I done to hurt you ?'
'There is no way you behave this after what you have done ...don't act innocent...I know who you are now ...'
'First stop shouting..second of all I don't know what I have done okay explain it to me '
'Tanya was right you really hate me or should I say you are a bad girl here '
'How am I the bad girl ?.....and you believe Tanya more than me ?'
I exclaimed shocked
'Obviously she is my childhood friend ..and you are opps were a friend'
He had really hurt me.
I never said anything about him that he had reacted so bad .
One thing was fixed I hated Tanya .
I just ran away from there
Kabir's POV
'Obviously she is my childhood friend ..and you are opps were a friend'
I said bitterly
When I looked at her face
Well it broke my heart
As I had you know a teeny tiny crush on her
But that was before
She had no right to say those things about me when she knew nothing
I thought
She had tears in her eyes
So fake
Or was that real
Don't fall for the trap Kabir
She just ran away from there wiping her tears
I shook my head
I sat in my car going to home
Well you must be wondering what she said according to Tanya
It was that I am a player even when she knows I don't believe in no one should care about me ..I am a boring person and more things
If I am then why did she hang out for me
It was raining
I wonder if she reached home
Stop thinking about her Kabir
I reached home
My parents were...I wonder where
It was raining heavily
I lied in my bed closing my eyes
I need to relax

You might be thinking Kabir is freaking out on little things it will all come out once I get to his past
I know I am late . Again sorry
Next update is today for sure

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