Chapter 16

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"Wait so you're telling me you think it stands for Virginia, why's that ?" Leanne asked taking up the kitchen knife to probe whatever she was preparing.

"I mean It's a long shot in the dark but he IS from there Lee. I mean if we're actually gonna do this shit we've got to start somewhere"

"ahh you make a good point there my love" she said turning around to give me a cheeky wink.

I had been studying the paper with all the weird symbols on it. But for once I had to sit down and think about something-


Now despite Chris being a very rich successful man with many successful businesses, I had to search deeper. I mean, It would be easy to think someone was after him because of money problems. But why. This would be hard, my 50 had never been one to share anything too personal. other than his sex habits of course.

Yet the name snake kept on coming into my mind, who was he?.

"So who wrote all that funny shit on that paper?" Leanne yelled and dumped herself next to me on the couch.

"you know what...I don't know for sure but I have a feeling it was Chris. I think he intended for Phillip to find it. It's definitely clues...shit it has to be"

"hmmm that does make some sort of sense. Well I'm going to finish cooking then we can really plan some shit!" With that she took off and strutted back into the kitchen.


We had just touched down In VA, shit If I'd studied the paper before hand, I would've came here first.

"So Miss, Will there be anything else you need me to assist you with?" The hotel staff member asked as he dropped our bags off after helping us carry them up. This man stood at my height, he looked middle Eastern and had deep dark brown eyes that hovered symmetrically over his thin long nose.

"No thanks. Thanks for your help darling" He simply nodded his head, took a look at me and gave a uncanny smile before swivelling on his feet and walking away...

Leanne jokingly performed a shudder not before closing the door. "Is it just me or did you get the creeps from that guy?"


I remembered the piece of paper and looked at what was next to the V.

ahhh     c__v_r street


Leanne P.O.V

This man was really getting on my nerves, calling my phone all the bloody time asking where we are. Lord knows I'm sceptical about telling Emma, I mean she's got her head in the game at the moment. I wouldn't want to hand her any distractions. Hmm In due time of course, for now I've just got to help my girl out.

Thanks again xx New update soon!

Don't worry things are JUST warming up.

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