Return to the digital world

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When we were done with meeting each other, Gennai's hologram appeared and said, "Ah. Good you guys met each other, I need you guys to come back to the digital world, I am afraid that the Dark Masters are trying to take control of the digital world again." Tai and the rest of the Digidestined looked at each other and nodded as if they had a secret to hide. An awkward silence filled the area. Then, Joe broke the awkward silence by laughing hysterically. Lorelei and I were confused about why Joe was laughing. Tai stepped up to me and Lorelei and said, "Wanna go to the digital world with us? We'll have to split up into teams to beat the Dark Masters." Of course I had to say yes, Lorelei did too. Tai assigned us into the 2 groups they had. I was with Joe, Kari, T.K., and Mimi. Lorelei was with the rest of the Digidestined. And so we began our journey to the digital world. The rest of it is continued in the final part...

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