Hey guys! LONG TIME NO SEE! SO YEAH! sorry...i lost my password BUT I GOT IT BACK
The Luthor...I saw the glares given by them and looked down and got closer to Mon-el wanting to protect him at all costs. I knew Lillian Luthor was bad but still...
"Someone is slim enough to slide through the bars looks like were gonna have to make them smaller or move her"
I moved even closer to Mon-el a large glare forming on my face. No one was touching me nor Mon-el. It was early but it seemed like I loved him, but live is complicated...
"Supergirl you see we need some of your blood to experiment on same other aliens but since your immortal in many ways we need you to over exert yourself" She smirked widely.
I shook my head. That's when she pulled out a gun and i looked at her confused. I cant be hurt by those... but she wasn't pointing it at me but at Mon-el. I shook my head and went to jump in front of the bullet when I felt strong arms push me away. Mon-els...
"Ah!!!" He screamed and I rant to him,
"What the hell! did you do?!"
"Lead. We figured out hes highly allergic"
I scowled and turned back to Mon-el. I looked at the wound. It would kill him pretty fast...I have to. I looked up with tears.
"Ill do it but you have to save him" She rolled her eyes but agreed.
I stood up and went out after they unlocked the door. I grabbed the radiation collector. I over exerted myself and fell. I felt weak and felt as if I were to pass out. I didn't see anything else due to my world going Black.
Mon-El:I watched them carry her away. The woman I love. With nothing I could do. It hurt. Not just emotionally or physically, but Mentally to. She was everything to me. The one person I would do everything for.
Her screams hurt. Seeing her fall hurt. Seeing her lose all confidence hurt. Just seeing her hurt well... hurt. Yet im here. Stuck. Not able to move. Just watch. Watch them destroy.
I was snapped from my trance when I saw Lillian come back in. With 2 guards but no Kara. I looked helplessly wanting to make sure she was okay. Then they opened the doors and grabbed me.
"Your blood will be helpful to" Lillian smirked. I struggled but then winced in the worst pain I have felt.
"Where's Supergirl?" I said weakly.
"Not here at least not right now" She smirked again. Her signature smirk.
I had to find her. I just had to. She made me whole. The person I am.
small update ill update tomorrow i promise for real this time i got a new phone but i promise i will

Farther Than Ever
FanfictionKara Danvers has lived a life where there was no one like her and only when she is 22 is when she learns to express who she truly is...Supergirl she always thought she was the only one besides her cousin Clark had these powers. All she ever does is...