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After waking up in this strange house I got up and looked around a little. All I found out was that it was either Andy's layer or someone had a shrine to him. So I just stuck with it was Andy's layer. After walking around a little I seen someone in what I think was a kitchen. I walked in to see a guy, he was crying for some reason. I walked over to see who he was and what was wrong, I sat down and he looked up at me. It was a guy with black hair and green eyes. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "She, she'a gone for good". As soon as he said that his tears started pouring down. I felt so bad, but I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know who he was. After him crying for a half hour or so he told me his name was Jake. "You must be Samantha", Jake said as he wiped his eyes. "Yeah, by the way what is this place? I have no idea where I am. The last thing I remember is when someone was trying to take me away, and Andy came to help." "Yeah I know. I was here when he came home with you in his arms. I was worried, but he told me a story and he put you in his bed to sleep. "Were you following him? Because I know he told you it was dangerous." "I guess I was following him." I said with my head down, ashamed. "I just had to find out what was going on. Honestly I thought he was crazy when he told me he was batman." I said with a smile creeping in on my face. I seen a shadow behind me."Andy" Jake said looking at him. "I see you and Samantha have met." Andy said. "By the way I need to talk to you Samantha. Why don't we go upstairs." I agreed nervously as he led me upstairs.

Find out in the next chapter what happens when he brings her upstairs!!
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