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'Did you see that?! ' SeokJin asks Namjoon who was sitting shotgun as the small figure of a boy disappears once the car approaches it.
'see what? ' Namjoon looks up to the road where SeokJin was staring to only see the empty road ahead before turning back to Jungkook who was trying to detect a signal from the two lost boys.
'come on jungkook!! Hurry up!! ' Namjoon urges him more not caring if the boy looks terribly tired and sweating hard.
'fuck off he's not a radar! Give him a break! ' Yoongi glares at him unable to stay silent anymore watching Namjoon being unreasonable to the boy.
'I'm sorry Namjoon' Jungkook mumbles tiredly as his eyes close up and he rests his head on Jimin's shoulder who hurried to push him off of him onto Yoongi.
'Namjoon you should relax, we'll find them' SeokJin says trying to calm him down when Yoongi snickered.
'you think he cares about Taehyung? All he's worried about is his little sissy human friend'
'shut up match stick! At least I have someone to worry about '
'the fuck is that supposed to mean? You got something to say spoon bender? '
'would you two just shut up?!!!! ' SeokJin yells unable to take anymore of the two guys bickering at each other. He knew everyone was frustrated and worried about their own safety and the lost boys.
As soon as the two stopped glaring at each others, SeokJin looked back at the road only to slam the breaks as hard as he could making everyone in the vehicle lose their balance.
'the hell was that! ' Namjoon yells glaring at SeokJin who had his attention fixed on the road with a confused look on his face. Looking at where he was staring, Namjoon curses under his breath when he saw Hoseok standing right in front of the car with the Taehyung and Woozi between them.
He loses no time in jumping out of the car and burying Hoseok in a hug while letting out a deep breath.
'yeah, I missed you too' Taehyung said sarcastically as the others left the car aside from Jungkook who was deep in sleep.
'where have you been? ' SeokJin asks still shocked by the sudden appearance of the three in the middle of the road.
'long story' said Taehyung and Hoseok simultaneously.
'it was my fault, sorry' Woozi apologizes making the four guys notice him.
'who's the shorty? ' Yoongi speaks.
'he's a kid' Taehyung informs making Namjoon look at Yoongi and smirks before saying.
'yeah, what's your excuse? '
'I swear Namjoon it's either you shut up or I'm gonna turn you into a shishkabab' Yoongi grunts as flames formed in the palm of his hands walking towards Namjoon who kept smirking refusing to show he knew how much Yoongi actually meant what he was saying. He knew the guy was irritated with him, but he could also see he wasn't going to hurt him.
'the two of you stop it!! Seriously I can't take it anymore!! One more word from either of you and I'm leaving your ass here!! ' SeokJin yells loudly making even Woozi jolt. 'now everyone get in the car' everyone does as orders silently.
Yoongi sit the back with Jungkook sleeping with his head on his lap and Woozi on the other side of the chair. Jimin sat between Hoseok and Taehyung in the far back with Namjoon in his previous seat beside SeokJin.
They drove in intolerable silence for few minutes.
'can I say something?' Woozi shyly asks.
'of course you can' Namjoon rolls his eyes at SeokJin's gentle reply.
'my name is Woozi' he introduced himself then added looking at his lap when everyone looked at him confused 'I just figured I should introduce myself, sorry'
'don't apologize leader!' Hoseok cheerfully let out making the attention shift to him as the word Leader was spoken.
'leader? ' Jimin worded out the question everyone was thinking.
'yeah, he even got a similar ability as you Jimin! If you join our team he'll teach you everything he knows, right leader? ' Hoseok asks looking at Woozi who had a look of confusion on his face. Startled by Hoseok's words, he only nodded as a reply.
'you do? ' Jimin asks doubtful.
'I think so? I mean, what's your ability? ' Woozzi asks nervously as all the attention now was on him.
'emm, it's.... ' Jimin trailed off and Taehyung jumped in to talk in his behalf.
'he basically can do with the shadows what you do with the light'
'awesome! We can be friends then!! ' woozi let out cheerfully jumping in his seat making Jungkook steer up and grunt in his sleep.
'what happened to JK though? ' Taehyung asks.
'he was trying to find you two' Jimin let out glaring at Namjoon's back and Hoseok noticed Yoongi gave him the same glare making him wonder what did his friend do to Jungkook.
'how? ' Taehyung asks not sure how can Jungkook do that and Jimin explains to him what Jungkook walk able to do.
Namjoon did you force him to do it?  Hoseok thought to himself sure that Namjoon couldn't be reading onto his mind but he got no reaction from him. Namjoon?
Oh come on I know you can hear me.
Namjoon looks back to face Hoseok catching the eyes of Yoongi staring at him but deciding to ignore him as to not get on SeokJin's bad side.
'don't give me that look, he's gonna be fine. He's asleep' Namjoon spoke and for a second Yoongi thought he was speaking to him but then realized he was addressing his words to Hoseok who was sitting right behind him. He decided to keep staring Namjoon right in the eyes while smiling just to annoy him some more hoping to get him in trouble with SeokJin. Namjoon though, fully aware of Yoongi's thoughts, flashes him his best dimply smile before mischievously winking at him then turning back to sit right in his seat when Yoongi looked away annoyed.

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