Chapter 6- Got a secret? You won't keep it

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- Spencer ? What are you doing here ? Toby said in a worried tone.

She looked at him and sighted.
- Can you just...
She didn't finish her sentence, she just pulled him closer and kissed him with anger. Real anger. The anger she had against Wren, but also the fact that she waited so long to do it -to kiss Toby and tell him what happened-
They continued kissing as he closed the door.
- I... Have something to tell you.

She said between two breathes.
He looked at her with his dreamy blue eyes and it made her melt
- It can wait.
She continued while pushing him against the kitchen wall.
He turned around and put her hands above her while kissing her, followed by her neck, collarbone, and the top of her breasts. She moaned and kissed him harder.

He lift her up and put her on the couch, he was now on the top of her, they started making out.
He didn't touch her under her clothes too much because he didn't want to take advantage of her, Spencer on the other hand, took his shirt off right away. She put her hands on his back, bringing him closer and whispered.

" Put your hands on me. Please Toby" while taking his hand and putting it on one of her breast.

He hesitated but seeing she liked it he rubbed it even more and took off her bra.
This was starting to get more and more heated, Spencer suddenly thought of something.
" Do you have....? "
" In my room, upstairs "
She looked at him and then at the stairs. He knew what that meant. He took her in his arms and they continued kissing while walking upstairs.

Once in his room, he opened his nightstand and took a condom out of it.

- Are you sure you want to do this ? You said this morning that-
- Shhhhhh, forget what I said. I'll explain everything to you but for now, i just need to feel loved and I just need to be here, with you. Can we just enjoy the moment? She smiled

He smiled back and Spencer unbuckled his belt. While she was taking off his pants, he took her shirt off: now Topless with a pair of jeans.
He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked, he has seen her naked before but it wasn't like when they were 6, running around a pool naked: now she was just... breathtaking beautiful for him.

She took off her pants and he softly put her on his bed, only in her panties.
Since He was already naked, he slowly took her panties off. He threw it away and Spencer took his hand to put in on her crotch. She was already wet for him.
He kissed every inch of her body, making her feel good. She moaned without caring of how loud she was -it was only the two of them anyway-
- Tobyy. Gosh. She breathed
He looked at her and asked
- May I ?
- Oh please. She nodded
He entered her and that was the beginning of a long and romantic night...
Toby woke up on Wednesday at 7.30, wondering is that was a dream. He looked next to him but he was alone... Hopefully, a happy Spencer in Toby's shirt -she took it in his closet since the one he had was downstairs- walked in with two coffees.
- Hey you. He said, stretching
- Hey you. She replied, giving him a peck on the lips
- Last night was...
- Wonderful. She smiled
Thank you so much Toby. You made me feel so much better.
- That's what I wanted to ask. What happened ? With Wren and stuff. Allow me to be confused.
- It's normal, it's all my fault. I should have told you sooner but I didn't...
- Told me what ? He couldn't keep smiling
- A few weeks ago, when i told Wren that I was breaking up with him to... make it work with you. He blackmailed me by threatening you. He told me to stay with him and to stay away from you or else he would hurt you. You don't know what he's capable of but It's terrible.
- Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry I yelled at you. All you did, was because of me I'm so sorry 😰. What do you mean "it's terrible" ?
- Do you remember when you almost got crushed by your closet when we were in middle school. It was my birthday i think. Wren always told me it wasn't on purpose but with what he told me the other day, i'm pretty sure he's wanted to hurt you. To hurt you real bad. She shed a few tears
- Wow, i didn't know he was this crazy...
But, what changed ? I mean, what did you come last night. Wren will probably noticed i mean...
- From the moment he started to take my clothes off with me yelling him to stop, i figured that even though i wanted to protect you, i couldn't get through what he was about to do to me. And most importantly, i missed you so much Toby. Not talking to you for weeks was a torture and I'm so sorry. I'm never leaving you side ever again
- I'm gonna kill this bastard. I don't care if he hurts me or something I'm seriously going to kill him.
- No! You just stay with me, always. Cause even though he hates you, he's obsessed with me and wouldn't hurt me. How could he physically hurt you without hurting me?
- As long as you stay fine, i'll be okay. He hugged her

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- More seriously now, what are we ? She chuckled
- Well, we're not friends anymore, cause friends don't do to each other what we did last night. He laughed
No i guess we can say we're... In a relationship ! He said with a scary voice
- Don't make fun of me! I just wanted to know if you were in.
- Of course I'm in. Girl i've been in love with you forever you really think i want to wait another second ?
- Good point. She said kissing him.

He kissed her back and they started making out on the bed. Spencer completely forgot what day it was until she saw his clock reminding her that
- Shit! We're late for school!
- Crap crap!

They quickly got up and put some randoms clothes they found on the way. Took their bags and ran to school.
- Ok now. See you at lunch? Toby said before going in his science class
- Count on me. She walked away and yelled
- What ? He got interrupted by a soft kiss on his lips
- So you don't forget me. She smiled and left. He watched her go and opened the door to his classroom.
Spencer ran to her science class as well -they were about 20 Minutes late- . The teacher excused her and she sat alone in a corner. Avoiding Wren. Which was kind of easy since he wasn't there that morning.
It wasn't the same for Toby since he got into détention because of the fact that he "arrived too late and disturbed the class" but he didn't care, not even a bit. He even smiled to the teacher after she told him
Emily looked at him weirdly -it was unusual for him to look happy ever since Spencer cut things off with him- with a "wtf" look.
He sat next to her and took his stuff out of his bag, saying nothing, just smiling.
- Toby WTF ? She whispered
He didn't answer, just kept smiling and dreaming
- Toby are you high or something ?
Still nothing.
Toby didn't talk for the next 2 periods and Em' really started to worry.
At lunch, Emily met up with the group and asked them about Toby

- Hey guys, have you seen Toby this morning ? I think he's high.

- What ? Why would you think that ? Hanna said

- IDk but, he arrived very late, and hasn't kept smiling during the three periods. I haven't seen him smile since Spencer cut things off with him.

- I gotta say it's weird, but it's not like him. And talking about Spencer, have you seen her outfit? Alison said

- No what's wrong with it ?

- What's wrong with what ? Aria and Ezra arrived

- Spencer's outfit. Emily added

- Oh yeah we noticed. Do you think she ?

- She what ?! What is she wearing? Em re-

- She's got this shirt. This large shirt, like, a guy shirt.

- Oh my gosh, do you think her and Wren?

- Would be likely. Maybe Toby learned about it and smoked/drank to forget

- I really don't know. Talking about him, here he comes. Ali said
Heyyy Tob's. Why so happy ?

- Oh nothing much, just. Happy. No reasons. What's up with you guys anyway ? 

They all started talking and eating as always. Just normal stuff. Then, Spencer arrived
- Sorry i'm late, my english teacher's a real pain in the ass.

- No worries, we left you a sit. Emily said without turning around. Then everyone stopped talking, looking at Emily.
- What ? What's wrong.
She turned around to see Spencer and Toby kissing.

- OMG That's why you were so happy!

- Guys, we have something to tell you. Spencer said, holding Toby by the tight

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